Side affects of Glicazide


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Recently started on medication for Type 2
Metformin - had a 2 weeks no side affects
Now added in Glycazide.. feeling jittery, vertigo. Not been told to measure blood sugars ‍♀️
Is this normal?
Thank you xx
Hi @Salmepal You should be testing your blood sugar on Gliclazide as it can sometimes cause hypos (low blood sugar). The symptoms you describe could be due to low sugar, but you won’t know unless you test.
Had a bad reaction to Glycazide .. been to GP abd have gone back on Metformin but 4 tabs a day instead of just two and now able to test. Xx
Glad your GP working with you. Do still test they dong offer but keeps you better informed. My hubby ok on 2 Metformin but 4 sent his levels very low to 4. So he stays on 2, everyone's different so please don't worry. I'm on insulin so that's a different measure again.
I am on four Metformin and have been fine, however have had some odd days, so I have worked at upping my carbs. I think I was too low but as I am not testing, my choice, I agree that everyone is different and you need to find a balance for you!!!!!
I am on four Metformin and have been fine, however have had some odd days, so I have worked at upping my carbs. I think I was too low but as I am not testing, my choice, I agree that everyone is different and you need to find a balance for you!!!!!
The problem with not testing is that symptoms of low blood glucose can be very similar to high blood glucose and if it is high adding more carbs is not going to help
If levels come down quickly then people can get symptoms of low blood glucose but it actually isn't, it is just the body has become accustomed to a high level and has to adjust.
Well, the nurse did not suggest and to be fair, I didn't ask. It's only over the past couple of weeks that I have been aware of 'odd' times. I did start writing all down and went from 94 to 52 within the three months. Feel like I am settling now I am worrying a little. Need to have B12 tested in a month's time so am thinking BG as well just in case I am not doing the correct thing.
I didn't think Metformin could cause low blood sugar when taken on its own......???
Ah, I didnt quite understand Leading lights explanation. I don't know if my odd sensations are low BG and I know one does not get hypos on Metformin. I might have been just plain old hungry!!
You must test when on Gliclazide as it can and will cause low BS if the dose is too high.
Ah, I didnt quite understand Leading lights explanation. I don't know if my odd sensations are low BG and I know one does not get hypos on Metformin. I might have been just plain old hungry!!
Sorry if I wasn't clear. When blood glucose drops quite quickly with the dietary changes and medication then it can take a while for the body to get used to lower levels having been high but they may still not be low enough to be considered a 'hypo' it just feels like it. It is referred to as a false hypo. Actual hypos are unlikely with just metformin but could be more likely with gliclazide as that medication is encouraging the pancreas to produce more insulin and if you have not eaten enough carbs to balance that then a hypo is possible.
Some people experience issues with their eyes and nerves if blood glucose drops quickly so doing it gradually is kinder on the body.
Thank you Leading lights, DN has offered me a change of medication matching my others BUT I did ask on the forum and was advised to stay as I am. Been on the usual statins etc for years and I am quite OK with them. I don't see any need to change and am trying to lower things with diet and what I am on. Problem for me is that I ate low carb to start with and I think some of my problem was very very low Vit D levels as well as a bit of depression after a bereavement.