sick of feeling like this :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
high bloods sugars seem to be the story of my life at the moment :( i try soooooo hard and just make everything worse , im bouncing between hypos and high's like a flipping trampoline , my energy has gone :( dragging myself out of bed in the morning either low or high is making me feel like im dying , the simplest of tasks is sapping all energy and i feel like such a failure , my other half is doing so much and i feel sooo bad , i havnt done the school run in a week because i feel so bad , i just want to sleep all the time , i have appointment with my gp tomorow to ask him to transferme to the diabeties team at bournemouth hospital , at the mo i am under poole hospital and tehy are awful and have never forgiven me for being a rebelious teenager and are horrible to me and very unhelpful and all they do is critisize me and make me feel so bad , ive had enough , bournemouth diabeties clinic was recomended to me by a friend who is also type 1 and he says there great really helpfull and supportive ( just what i could do with right now ) , just feel so bad seriously thinking just dragging myself up a+e and getting a pig regime and fluid ,im seriously dehydrated and feel like giving up and am sure my kidneys are really hating me right now too , dont know what to do :confused:
thanks for the support :(
Hey bex

I'm sorry you're having such a rubbish time of it. If you're swinging from highs to lows all the time, you're going to feel like that, which is absolutely horrid, so I feel for you.

Your team should NOT be holding grudges against you. What happened when you were a teen should have absolutely no bearing on your care now. Getting transferred to a more supportive team will make a world of difference - push for it if it's getting you down. Are you pumping? Seems to me from what I know of pumps, it could help keep you a lot more stable.

But if you're feeling bad enough to think about going to A&E, I would do it. It's not a decision you take lightly, so it might kick start your transfer to another team.

I don't know how helpful that advice is, but feel free to PM me if you need someone to chat to

Becky xx
Hi Bex i would get to a and e if not least to get yourself checked over it cant do any harm and by the way your describing things it sounds k your far from on form, please PM me if you want a deeper chat in private xx
thanks for the support :(

I've just tuned in and read the above Bex.

I'm really sorry to read what's happening at the moment. Sometimes people may not be on line to help straight away.

Anyway, don't think you're a failure. I have to be honest and say I hate D too. I'm not on insulin yet, however my father was so I can really feel for you re the yo-yo numbers.

It makes my blood boil when medical staff have a go at people who have had problems in the past and are doing their best now. You have a right to receive the correct support and encouragement without prejudice or judgement.

Have you been in touch with the PALs at your hospital? Patient Advice and Liaison. Web site

Hang on in there and you can PM me if you want. (Up early tomorrow AM so early night tonight)
Hi bex, it's such a shame that all care can't match up to the best - or even come close. From what I have heard the Bournemouth team are really good so stick to your guns tomorrow and make sure you get that referral.
Sorry to hear that Bex, make sure the quack does transfer you, you are well within your rights to have your hospital care wherever you want.

Hope you get things sorted soon, or sooner 🙂
bex bournemouth is where salmonpuff wants to go as they are excellant
good luck hun xx
bex bournemouth is where salmonpuff wants to go as they are excellant
good luck hun xx

am's right, i heard from the big dog at INPUT that the b'mouth team are fab. I'm having words with my nurse next week about a possible transfer but that's another story for a different day

i'm sorry you're feeling so down. when the bloods do that it really is draining (i'm having the same problem at the moment...feel rather akin to a resident evil zombie). But get onto your team and don't worry! Sometimes these things happen and there could be many reasons for it.

*massive hugs* don't worry love. Get onto your team asap and demand to be seen 🙂
Hi Bex, I hope you feel better soon. You are seeing your doctor which is a good start. If you feel that rough you feel you need help quickly, then go to A&E. You can also ask NHS Direct for advice, and it will go on your records.

If you are feeling dehydrated, try taking more fluids, doesn't have to be plain boring water all the time, although it is probably better for us. You can have any sugar free drink you fancy.
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