Sick day rules on pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I think I'm fighting an infection. And it's also my time of the month. All in all, makes for a miserable few days of sugars.

Since Saturday evening, when my sugars peaked to 20, I have not been able to bring them down.

Last night my blood ketones was 1. I don't have ketones now but my sugars are at 17. I've not eaten. And I've used about 4 times my normal insulin amount.

Is that normal? For sick day rules? It used to be about twice as much on multiple Injections.

Any advice? I changed the site. I have been feeling rough, but this doesn't help.
Have you tried changing your insulin? So, get a new bottle, unopened, and use that, with a syringe, to give yourself a correction bolus (record it on your pump so it knows how much you've given yourself and doesn't try to double up).
That way you know you've had new insulin through a non compromised site.
Also - are you using a temporary basal rate? I need up to 130% due to hormones and maybe 150% for a nasty infection, so if you've got both, you could be way up there. Have you got contact with a DSN you could ring?
I'm on 200% basal.

My doctor won't give me any syringes so I can only do correction by pen if I don't use the pump. I did do that. Used my last cartridge.

Also about to change the insulin in my vial.

I spoke to a nurse who said she'd get the main diabetic nurse to ring me in the diabetes centre, but they never did ring me. Then I fell asleep and it's too late to call them now.

Sugars still high. I know I need more insulin when I'm fighting a bug, but this seems a lot. In last two days I've taken the same amount I would usually take in a week.
You need what you need. And if thats 200% (or more-not sure how high tbrs go on the different pumps) than thats how much you have to put in to get you through it.
I would suggest asking your nurse for some syringes to keep in hand for times such as this though-cant see why the dr would refuse!
Hope you feel better soon.
You can always buy some you know - not ideal but they are still £1.25 for a bag of 10 BD Plastipak! Price hasn't changed in 30 years .......
Sorry to hear what you are going through Amberzak. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. There's a copy of Animas's Sick Day Rules guidance for pump users at the bottom of the page here:

Agree about syringes. Explain to your Dr how important they can be for times just like this. I don't have any pens any more - what would be the point?! I use them so rarely. If I need to correct without pump or switch back to MDI I can use rapid insulin vials, and I have a vial of Lantus in the fridge.
What cannulas are you using could you have a faulty batch? Try a different box and have a very good look at the one you remove to see if it has a kink in it or pinched at the end.
Does sound like an underlying infection of sorts. Last time I was unwell my TBR was switched to 200% for a good 3-4 days. First time I'd had to go this high and my DSN didn't know any other pumper who used this %! But, as it was a bug, my body needed the additional insulin but I like you couldn't believe the extra amount I had to give myself! Are they're starting to come down today and you feeling better?
When my daughter had her appendix out we maxed her out on 250% basal and then had to create a higher basal rate and still couldn't get numbers down to normal. Once she was up and about again it settled again fairly quickly. So I think you just need what you need and hopefully you will be better soon!
Hi everyone. Thanks.

I was indeed a virus. Spent last few days just sleeping.

Much better now. Still not perfect, but at least I'm not having high sugars like I was.

Where can you buy syringes? Do you still need a prescription from doctor? I think I need to see a different doctor and ask them.
Where can you buy syringes? Do you still need a prescription from doctor? I think I need to see a different doctor and ask them.
Just go into a pharmacy, preferably your normal one and ask them for a pack of 10. I had no problems when I needed some urgently whilst on MDI and mix up with prescription. Just coughed up the money for them.
Ha. Yeah.

Thanks guys.
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