Shrove Tuesday is approaching!

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Much missed member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
February 28th this year. 🙂

Probably bettter known as "Pancake Day", it's the last day before Lent ("shrove" is the past tense of "shrive", to rid oneself of sin), and is traditionally the day when households used up all their fatty foods (namely, eggs, flour, butter and milk) before giving them up for Lent, pancakes being the easiest way to do this. Nowadays it's mainly an excuse to eat pancakes, and why not? 😉

What does anyone do to celebrate? I go the sort-of-traditional route, with ordinary pancakes sprinkled with lemon juice, although I use powdered sweetener instead of sugar. I wonder if anyone lowers the carbs still further by using a non-wheat flour (buckwheat flour is said to be lower carb, and good for pancakes), or using a different topping such as Nutella or a savoury topping.
I might cheat and use my bag of Krusteaze Pancake mix (from Costco). 40g carbs for 3 4 inch pancakes. Add an egg and you can make waffles.
As it's a Tuesday I'll be in work so probably won't get to have any.
My last attempt at low carb pancakes failed. May try again this year.
I'll probably make conventional pancakes, and have them with lemon juice. I have made pancakes with buckwheat flour in the past, they look a bit grey, but taste OK, in fact OH really liked them, I only stopped because the kids weren't keen. I wasn't diabetic at the time, so the carb content wasn't an issue. I found using half and half wheat and buckwheat made a less rubbery effort.
Lemon juice and Splenda for me. I think I reduced the amount of flour a bit but I might research alternatives this year.
Yup - normal ones preferably thin enough to see through!* - with lemon juice and Splenda. Oh hell - got none, dammit, caster sugar! and some more insulin........ * the way I've always liked em best - pre and post D.

I reckon, really, we could save carbs by just having some caster sugar and lemon juice, and consuming with a spoon! The pancakes are only a convenient container for them anyway ......
shan't be eating any as don't like them.
Nutella and banana... Definitely not low carb, but it is only once a year!
I may try the lower carb alternative my friend told me about recently. 2 eggs and 1 large over ripe banana. Mix together and fry like a regular pancake! I wonder how it tastes....
I don't eat them anymore (I much prefer omelettes!) but I was also raised to understand that pancakes should have currants in them. This always seems to horrify people but it's what my dad's family have always done and I definitely think they improve a pancake. It may be Bristol or Welsh thing....
I don't eat them anymore (I much prefer omelettes!) but I was also raised to understand that pancakes should have currants in them. This always seems to horrify people but it's what my dad's family have always done and I definitely think they improve a pancake. It may be Bristol or Welsh thing....
They sound more like scotch pancakes or what my Mum used to call drop scones.
My hubby makes fab ones and does half flour and half porridge oats. Yummy with fresh strawberries or raspberries. A welcome treat for a special day
I make smashing pancakes, luv them with just sugar and lemon. 😛 I shall make them this year, but won't have any. I just like making thin as possible. Mum and I got our first Easter Egg today! 😱
Can't stand the hideous things but I will be making them for Godson, and his friend. I always use buckwheat flour because I cook with that a lot, they come out absolutely fine and the Godson likes them. Not sure they're that much lower in carb (I don't bother working it out because you couldn't pay me to eat one 🙄) but the buckwheat ups the protein power quite a bit. Godson has his with peanut butter and Nutella.

@DeusXM i think the raisins are a Welsh thing, my grandma used to make them when we were kids and they were always infested with raisins, she claimed it was the correct way to pancake in Wales. She also claimed I'd rejected her Welsh genes mind, because they all have jet black hair, mine is red, so she concluded I'd "chosen" my grandads Scots genes or worse my Dad's Irish genes. So she might have been a frog short of a box 😉 there was a lot of competitive celt action was I was a kid!
Id recommend the banananana n egg recipe, it makes surprisingly good pancakes
I'd rather eat the carbs in the flour, than in a banana, really. Haven't bothered eating one for absolutely years - not a thing you'd class as a meal and far too high carb to eat between meals as far as I'm concerned.
I'd rather eat the carbs in the flour, than in a banana, really. Haven't bothered eating one for absolutely years - not a thing you'd class as a meal and far too high carb to eat between meals as far as I'm concerned.
I've had a banana with my lunch every day for the past year 🙂
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