should I switch to pens for now?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all.

Need advice - I cannot get my blood sugars down - in the sense that I've had about 3 single figure readings in the last 3/4 days. I've tried changing sets, I'm correcting like crazy, I'm walking loads, barely eating carbs - nothing is working.
Would you switch to pens to try and control it or do something else? I've emailed my diabetes team again this morning and will call them later if I still can't get to a single figure.
But from people who actually have this condition I'd love to hear your opinions.

Thanks all
If you are unsure that insulin is making it into your system, it may well be worth trying.

Have you tried a new vial as well as changing sets?

Sounds like you are doing everything you can, but yes - switching back to MDI for a spell might help. You can always switch back!
Hi Grainger

When I have a totally unexplained high and trying to sort it out, I will now do a correction with my pen, rather than the pump, in order to buy myself some time to sort out what the problems is calmly. If My BG are very high I will often need a higher correction dose. Along with this goes a big glass of water.
Then it is the track through all the possibilities
- cannula
- tubing (at both ends)
- pump
- insulin vial
- batteries
If you are having regular highs at present, could there be an infection brewing? I go high about two days before a cold develops properly. My very own early warning system.

I hope that you get it sorted.
I'd defo correct by pen/syringe and not rely on the pump, at least, if you don't also bolus by pen/syringe.

How old is your pump?
Def do a correction with pen or syringe. Then watch and wait. Also have a large drink of water too. Will help to flush out the high 🙂 If the correction works then there is something going on with your pump. I have had this in the past and it's so frustrating! If the correction works just do a full change on the pump cannula, tube , insulin, battery then there is no reason to blame if it goes wonky again except a mechanical/tech prob with the pump
Thanks all. Sorry for slow response I forgot to set up alerts to let me know I had replies!

My pump is 18months old so I don’t imagine it’ll be a problem with it.
I have changed sets, vials and the battery.

I did a correction by pen as suggested but it only brought me down a little - so it looks like my ratios are all up the spout.

Spoken to my Diabetes team and together we’ve massively ramped up my basal and my bolus ratios. I’m currently now sitting around 8-12 so it’s a definite improvement from the 15-18 I was at most of the weekend/beginning of the week. Also using temp basals whenever I hit 12 or higher.

Diabetes team believe it could be a number of things including sleep deprivation affecting nighttime figures, hormones messing things up or simply that I need more insulin these days after my last pregnancy. Looks like it’s going to be a long process with no quick solution unfortunately. But for the first time in a week I don’t have a headache from my high blood sugar!

Thanks again all.
Glad you've made a bit of progress @grainger - hope your levels start behaving a bit better for you soon.
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