Should I go on a pump?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am thinking of going on a pump.
I have been diagnosed for 3 years and i'm 18 (nearly 19) at university.
I am having trouble controlling my blood sugars and thought maybe a pump will help?
Any thoughts or experiences?
Advice please :confused:
Hey. Have you asked your team about going on a pump? A pump can help with unstable blood glucose levels, but only if the user is using it right, if that makes sense!

I've been using one for 6 months now and I love it; it has helped me with all the issues I was having using injections. It's taken me a long time to prove that I needed on, but finally I'm told I will have funding for one (I'm currently borrowing one off my hospital).

Ultimately the only person who can decide if you want to go on a pump or not is you 🙂

I see you're London based - you should come along to a North London Young Diabetics meet. There's a few pumpers among us 🙂

This is the link for the next meetup:
I am thinking of going on a pump.
I have been diagnosed for 3 years and i'm 18 (nearly 19) at university.
I am having trouble controlling my blood sugars and thought maybe a pump will help?
Any thoughts or experiences?
Advice please :confused:

As no one here knows you we can not say you should or should not go on the pump 🙂
Have you done any research as to what a pump can and can not do? IE how do you think a pump will help you?
Do you carb count, have you a good understanding of how dif food effect you? Do you know about correction factors?
Are you prepared for a lot of sleepless nights and skipped meals untill you have sorted your basal pattern out? Keeping detailed records of carbs eaten endless blood tests?

If you are prepared for that then lok further into pumping 🙂 Good luck.
I am thinking of going on a pump.
I have been diagnosed for 3 years and i'm 18 (nearly 19) at university.
I am having trouble controlling my blood sugars and thought maybe a pump will help?
Any thoughts or experiences?
Advice please :confused:

I don't know how much you've been reading up so far, but all I can say is that you shouldn't think a pump is an easy way to control your blood sugars. You really have to be prepared to put in the effort. If you have trouble controlling your levels now because you might not be putting in as much effort as you could be, then a pump is probably not the answer for you until you are absolutely sure that you have tried as hard as you possibly can to control them on normal injections but still find yourself unable to.
Please don't take this the wrong way, as said above, we don't know you or your situation so this is just some general advice I'd give to anyone who was thinking about a pump. If you know that you have done all these things, and you already do your carb counting and test frequently, then I would say have a chat with your DSN about the possibility. 🙂
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