Should I come off gliclazide gradually

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T2 Wiltshire

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
After having a bs reading of 92 a low carb diet has been followed for 13 weeks and the new bs level is 54, the doctor said gliclazide can be discontinued and to self monitor how it goes, so could someone please let me know if this can be done gradually or a straight stop? Any info gratefully received
You won’t get withdrawal symptoms if that’s what you mean by stopping it slowly. It’s safe to just stop taking it if that’s what the doctor has advised, and monitor your blood sugar to see how your body reacts.
Welcome to the forum @T2 Wiltshire

Well done on your terrific BG reductions!

If you are concerned it might be worth a quick call to your GP to get their advice?

Have you been experiencing any hypos since your blood glucose levels have come down? If not, I don’t think there would be any problem with reducing your Glic gradually in a few stages?

If you‘ve been experiencing hypoglycaemia, then I think there is arguably a more pressing need to drop the glic sooner rather than later?
I believe you will find that you can reduce the Gliclazide fairly quickly. It's not a cumulative drug and you should be able to be fairly flexible with it
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