Short temperdness

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So so bad lately has been my temper that im starting to worry myself, has anyone got any suggestions constructive or not??,Its making me want sugar as well for some reason and im not going down that road because ive learnt to curb my sweet tooth so i certainly dont want to ruin what good BS numbers ive been having lately.

Are your numbers lower than they have been in the past Steffie? Just thinking that, when I get low (not necessarily hypo) I get irritable as do many others - and also crave sugar more! Worth testing when you are feeling particularly snappy! 😱
Have a word with your doctor Steff.

I had to come off a certain antidepressant because they made me aggressive.
Thats funny Steffie as I have also been craving sugar, chocolate in particular. My numbers are lower and I've had a couple of hypos. I'm wondering if it is the colder weather not helping. I have given in a couple of times and had the chocolate. I've also had some of that sugar free chocolate but then have to contend with the bowel upsets that follow.
Steffi have a word with your Doc - it could be a side effect of your anti-deps - or maybe you are being worn ragged by OH, son, Dad and dog and you just need a good long soak in the bath.
Are your numbers lower than they have been in the past Steffie? Just thinking that, when I get low (not necessarily hypo) I get irritable as do many others - and also crave sugar more! Worth testing when you are feeling particularly snappy! 😱

No Alan i can say there no lower then usual, always around the same 6.6 to 7.2 always.

Never thought about my ADS so thanks for that tez ans margie

p.s lizzie surely im to overweight to get into yoga positions?? (no offence btw anyone)
I find when I am bad temepered doing something constructive helps, last weekend the kitchen got a thorough cleaning instead of a cats lick and a promise!

I do tai chi and I know lots of cuddly people who do yoga.

I think also the time of year with the long cold nights doesn't help. My lot are also building precautions in advance of December 1st, December and the run up to Christmas is always bad for me.
I wouldn't worry too much Steff lots of diabetics get mood swings which would be totally out of character before they were diagnosed. Unfortunately it's just another one of the down sides of having 'D'.
I find that short temperdness hits me when my blood sugar levels are falling.

A common occurence is when I'm been dragged around the shops by the wife and kids (2 teenage girls). Strangely it tends to kick in when we have spent 2 - 3 hours in Top Shop / River Island / Next / Hollister....

I'm hoping a positive side effect (once xmas shopping is out the way) will be I'm banned from shopping and can stay home to watch Rugby League or Football on the TV.

Seriously its the combination of additional effort (I normally sit at a desk all day) and a change to the normal eating time that I think is my roote cause.🙂
Thanks all, must say today has been better and ive had no heating all day until now and a hyper, no bad fits of rage either 🙂
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