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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am a newbie, after a shocking meeting with the diabetic nurse at my GP surgery this morning. I am shocked to be 'diabetic'. Sandra is lovely, and she gave me lots of information but a lot of it didn't really sink in. I am on lots of meds and stuff, I'm also scared stiff. Sandra said if I feel unwell I should have about 5 jelly babies and a sandwich as soon as possible. I'm OK with that, I bought the jelly babies from the shop opposite the surgery. She said I probably won't need to call 999, but then again I might. Scary! Does it mean I cannot eat chocolate ever again? Sandra has said I shouldn't change my diet at the moment, until we see what the meds are doing, but you know how it is - I can't remember the last time I ate chocolate but suddenly the urge is there......
Hi Lynsababe, I'm a little confused as I thought you had your diagnosis a couple of years ago when you joined? What meds are you on for your diabetes? Sandra may be very nice, but I'm a bit unsure about her advice regarding what to do if you feel unwell. If your blood sugar levels are high and making you feel unwell then eating that amount of sugar and carbohydrate would just make you feel much worse. Conversely, if your blood sugar levels were low then 5 JBs and a sandwich would be a significant overtreatment. You really need to know what your blood sugar levels are like before you decide to eat something - have you been given a blood glucose meter?
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