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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure if this is the rite place to post this but am sure it will be moved if needs be!

Yesterday I went to a friends retirement tea, which was lvly, met up with a lot of old friends and colleagues 🙂

Unfortunately I was totally shocked to see a former colleague looking dreadful, I just hope she could'nt tell how shocked I was! This lady was dx T2 a year or so later than I was, after talking to her for a while and catching up, our sons went to school together too, she told me that she has been going backwards and forwards to hospital for different tests,
biopsies etc. and was told that her Kidneys are giving up (due to the diabetes) and she has to go on dialysis, which starts next wk. She was also told they could put her on the Kidney transplant waiting list, but they doubted she would get one anytime soon, if at all, because of the state her kidneys are in.

I really didn't know what to say to her apart from the usual platitudes, you know, hope all goes well, and if she needs someone to talk to etc. felt really quite helpless, :(

Sorry do hope that this isn't too depressing for a Friday,

please do take care of yourselves, much love to you all, shirl x
How awful for her Shirl :( It sounds as though possibly her diagnosis was not caught before damage was already done. Some people don't show significant symptoms until they are already in trouble, unfortunately, and it is why Type 2 is in many ways worse than Type 1 which tends to have a faster and more obvious onset.
Hopefully your friend will be fine and things will improve for her. It is a shock for everyone and you did right in sharing with us.

Does your friend have access to the internet? If she does, perhaps she can come here and benefit from our support too?
She has always been very active, and cycled evry day! Yesterday it seemed that a lot of the fight in her had gone. Have known her for nearly 20 years! Our older children are the same age and went through junior school, and senior school together.
Have thought about the forum since, d'oh, but was so shocked at the time my mind just went numb, when I get in touch with her I will suggest that she comes on here. I gave her a lot of my old Balance mags when she was first dx and she got a lot out of reading them, so hopefully she'll give us a chance!

Thanx for replyin, Northe, and Caroline. There's an awful lot going on in my life at the moment and is hard trying to put things into words, so not like me 🙂 take care, love Shirl x
You have made a good start Shirl, so perhaps now things will become easier to say for you? We all get times where there is a lot going on and we find it difficult to put into words how we feel or what we are thinking. This forum is gret for support and for someone to listen. I hope things get on a more even keel for you soon.
It must have been very upsetting to hear that about a friend. It's very hard in that sort of situation to know what to say but you've done the best thing to tell her you're always there if she needs you. Don't be afraid to tell us how you feel x
Thanx for the support, don't know what I'd do without you guys 🙂

As I said before, please, please take good care of yourselves, life is soooo precious,
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