Shivers despite it being warm!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am new to taking Metaformin - 3 days. I feel out of sorts today, mowed the lawn but had to keep stoping as felt dizzy and weirdly got the shivers with goosebumps despite it being warm outside! Anything I should be concerned about or is my body adjusting to meds?
Hi I am new to taking Metaformin - 3 days. I feel out of sorts today, mowed the lawn but had to keep stoping as felt dizzy and weirdly got the shivers with goosebumps despite it being warm outside! Anything I should be concerned about or is my body adjusting to meds?
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I hope you have been started on a low dose with being told to build up if needed over a few weeks, however one of the side effects are usually a dodgy stomach which should settle down. If you have also made some necessary dietary changes as well it is likely the body adapting to a new regime and blood glucose coming down which although not actually low will be lower than your body is used to.
It is also worth making sure you stay well hydrated in this hot weather.
Were you told what your HbA1C is as that will indicate how much work you will need to do.
Have a look at this link for some ideas on a way forward in making some dietary changes and that willl be as important as the medication.
Thanks for replting. HbA1c last week was 54, it has gradually crept up over the last few years hence the medication. No dietary changes yet I’m doing it gradually as I’m having problems with low levels in B12, iron, folate and vit D despite eating a varied diet of which I’m being investigated for. I took My blood sugar before lunch which was 7 Which is good for me.
Thanks for replting. HbA1c last week was 54, it has gradually crept up over the last few years hence the medication. No dietary changes yet I’m doing it gradually as I’m having problems with low levels in B12, iron, folate and vit D despite eating a varied diet of which I’m being investigated for. I took My blood sugar before lunch which was 7 Which is good for me.
Metformin is not going to help with B12 levels as it can cause people to have low B12.
With a HbA1C of 54 which you say has crept up it sounds as if your diet had slipped, very easy for that to happen. Reviewing the amount of carbs with a view to keeping within the suggested no more than 130g per day would maybe help.
As you have a monitor then doing some strategic testing of your meals would help identify any problem foods that are increasing your blood glucose by more than 2-3mmol/l after 2 hours. Paired before and 2 hour post meal would be useful so you could cut foods out or have a reduced portion.
The trouble is it is no good taking medication whilst still eating more carbohydrates than you can tolerate, especially if the medication would cause other issues.
Thanks for replting. HbA1c last week was 54, it has gradually crept up over the last few years hence the medication. No dietary changes yet I’m doing it gradually as I’m having problems with low levels in B12, iron, folate and vit D despite eating a varied diet of which I’m being investigated for. I took My blood sugar before lunch which was 7 Which is good for me.
If 7 is "good" for you, then it suggests that your body has grown used to the higher level and (due to exercise etc) dropped to a level it was unused to - hence the symptoms you experienced. Known as a "false hypo"
That would make sense. I looked it up after your reply and watched a you tube clip about it. Not life threatening even though symptoms come across like a genuine hypo, blood sugars are in normal range but body is used to high levels and when they drop body reacts to it. So it’s going to take a while for my body to adjust!
I have just started weekly B12 injections so hopefully that will help me too. I strongly think it’s the omeperazole that’s causing low levels but I need it!
That would make sense. I looked it up after your reply and watched a you tube clip about it. Not life threatening even though symptoms come across like a genuine hypo, blood sugars are in normal range but body is used to high levels and when they drop body reacts to it. So it’s going to take a while for my body to adjust!
I have just started weekly B12 injections so hopefully that will help me too. I strongly think it’s the omeperazole that’s causing low levels but I need it!
I'm not sure about omeprazole but a side effect of esomeprazole is B12 is unable to be absorbed from foods as it requires something called intrinsic factor which is produced by the gut and that process is inhibited by the esomeprazole.
Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and they all cause B12 inhibition, as does metformin. I have been taking Omeprazole for a couple of months and I notice my symptoms of B12 deficiency are worse than ever before. I am due my injection today and I am going to request that they are more frequent than 8 weeks in the future as I am dragging my legs around like they are two lumps of lead!
Sorry to hear you are feeling fatigued @Pattidevans

Hope your shivery symptoms abate @Urs
Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and they all cause B12 inhibition, as does metformin. I have been taking Omeprazole for a couple of months and I notice my symptoms of B12 deficiency are worse than ever before. I am due my injection today and I am going to request that they are more frequent than 8 weeks in the future as I am dragging my legs around like they are two lumps of lead!
Ah that may explain why my arms and legs feel heavy! I have been taking omeperazole for many years due to GERD, peptic ulcers and hiatus hernia. Once I finish the weekly course of injections to get level to normal I will have a better idea of how often I will need them afterward.
Ah that may explain why my arms and legs feel heavy! I have been taking omeperazole for many years due to GERD, peptic ulcers and hiatus hernia. Once I finish the weekly course of injections to get level to normal I will have a better idea of how often I will need them afterward.
You may not get a choice, it will be how often the GP allows you to have them. At the moment most people in my surgery are limited to every 3 months. I am lucky that I get them 8 weekly, but was told yesterday that it's unlikely I will be allowed them any sooner.
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