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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone know if Shingles is Diabetes related?

Just been to the nurse and asked her to look at some spots that have come up, she said it looks like Shingles. Do we have a lower immune system? I have seen that shingles is to do with nerve endings.

Anyway i am due to go to Spain on Saturday.. Hope i can still go.

Aparantly they give anti depressants for shingles which is a good job because i will be well miffed if i have to cancel holidays:(

Julie x
Does anyone know if Shingles is Diabetes related?

Just been to the nurse and asked her to look at some spots that have come up, she said it looks like Shingles. Do we have a lower immune system? I have seen that shingles is to do with nerve endings.

Anyway i am due to go to Spain on Saturday.. Hope i can still go.

Aparantly they give anti depressants for shingles which is a good job because i will be well miffed if i have to cancel holidays:(

Julie x

Im not sure if it is connected to Diabetes ,but one of my Type 1 brothers had Shingles a while ago. I hope you have a lovely time on holiday 🙂
I don't know if the nurse diagnosed shingles or just thought that you have it, see your GP to make sure it is actually shingles

shingles is contagious, so I would think that you would need the all clear from your GP before you go away and a letter from them to say you are ok to fly.

Hope it gets better soon
I don't know if the nurse diagnosed shingles or just thought that you have it, see your GP to make sure it is actually shingles

shingles is contagious, so I would think that you would need the all clear from your GP before you go away and a letter from them to say you are ok to fly.

Hope it gets better soon

Forgot to say that she has booked me in to see GP in 1/2 hour!
Shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox, so you can only get shingles if you have had chicken pox in the past - virus lies dormant and usually makes an appearance at times of stress. If someone who hasn't had chicken pox comes into contact with someone with shingles, they could get chicken pox, but can't get shingles straight away. However, this mode of transmission is rare. There are anti-viral drugs which can treat shingles, but only if started very soon after symptoms (usually a line of pain, following a nerve, with reddish spots, on the trunk) appear. After that stage, painkillers are the only treatment. Airline probably wants a letter to identify the rash, and be sure you can't pass anything to any other passengers or crew.
Hi, Been to the dr's and yes it is shingles! OK to travel and has put me on tablets as the spots only came out last night, he said that it isn't contagious but stay away from vunerable people.

At least i caught it soon.

Thanks for listening & advice

Julie xx
I hope you are better soon. I know loads of people who have had shingles. You spotted the symptoms early enough for treatment to be effective.

Shingles is not the preserve of diabetics, but I think because we are more aware of things we pick up on anything out of the ordinary and get treatment earlier than others who hope it will just go away on its own in time.
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