Shall we??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
So we've started to seriously consider a pump for J. He is quite keen too, he knows a boy who has one so that has helped.
I just need to make the first phone call to DSN and start the ball rolling but am scared!!!
It seems so daunting to start all over again, I'm not sure we've got room in our brains for more info!
The pump would be a Medtronic Paradigm veo.
Do any of you have suggestions as to when is a good time to start pumping in terms of school hols etc? I work so presume I would need a bit of time off to get sorted.
I just need someone to give me a big shove and say do it!!
DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Ideal time is the school holidays as you need to do lots of night checks in the first few weeks - if you cant get it this summer - then go for the October break and I promise you you will love it! It is very different from MDI - so be prepared to hate it for a week or two! I wanted to put it in the bin - but now I love it and it gives Alex so much more freedom and he is happier and his hba1c came down from 9.6 to 7.4 in a couple of months - that says it all really!🙂Bev
I had to fight hard for my boys' pumps but still felt quite terrified when I knew it was going to actually happen. It is always frightening stepping out fo your comfort zone... but in this case the rewards are so massive it is something you have to push through and get on with.
Its not just levels. Its the quality of life that is the biggest change for us really. Yes levels are soooo much better, but being able to say 'I'm hungry' and being given something to eat without having to decide if you are hungry enough to have another injection etc.
My mum died two weeks after we did the pump start for both of my boys together at the same time and that day my youngest came down with an awful sick bug (which I got too just as we were planning the funeral). The best laid plans and all that.
I would advise to have at least a week, so you can get some lie-ins after the night testing of basals, and then get everything back into routine asap so the pump is being set to reflect your normal lives.
You will not regret it... but you might hate the tiredness of the first set up phase.
Happy to help in anyway that would be useful.
Yes, do it!!!!! The pump does have its drawbacks but, for us, the postives far outweigh the negatives so far.

My son's hba1c has improved so much.

He can eat freely and always has his insulin with him.

When he is unwell, we can keep him very steady by using a temporary basal.

As has already been said, start on the pump when you have a clear week or two in your diary. It is tiring to begin with due to the night testing but now we only check at night if there is a problem or suspect there could be one. No longer do we check every night.

Good luck! 🙂
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