Sexual Problem

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi my wife is Diabetes patient. She takes her medicine Tablets regularly. Im having difficulty with sexual problems with her. She doesn't like to touch her. I don't know what to do? Please anyone can help me. It will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Hi my wife is Diabetes patient. She takes her medicine Tablets regularly. Im having difficulty with sexual problems with her. She doesn't like to touch her. I don't know what to do? Please anyone can help me. It will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Good that you have been able to come here but this may not be a problem specifically related to her diabetes. Have you tried asking her what the problem is as it may be at a 'certain age' the hormones in the body change and can cause discomfort so it may be the fear of that that is making her reluctant to engage.
It may be worth her seeing her GP (female if possible) to discuss her issues.
What is her blood glucose @shahzada1974 ? If it’s too high, that could cause her to feel unwell and uncomfortable? You could talk to her - ask her how she’s feeling, ask if there’s anything you can do to help.
I agree with both comments above. Change of hormones can certainly affect her interest in sex as well as cause discomfort. I found HRT really helped me in this situation.

Taking medication for diabetes is only a part of managing the condition. What dietary and lifestyle changes has she made? Tablets alone will usually not keep her Blood Glucose (BG) levels in check. Does she test her levels at home by finger pricking and using a home testing meter? Do you know what her most recent blood test results are for her diabetes? If they are high, then that certainly could be affecting her sex drive. So it may be her diabetes which is causing a problem and needs to be better managed either with lifestyle/dietary changes and or more meds, or it may be hormonal or it could be a combination of both..... or neither and something else is affecting her in that way.... perhaps stress as that can be a common cause and lets face it these are stressful times!

Talking openly about it in a non-judgemental way and being supportive of her is the first step. Then a doctor's appointment would be the next step. Obviously the cause needs to be established in order to figure out how to improve the situation. Hopefully your wife can shed a little bit of light on how she is feeling if you talk to her, which might indicate what the cause is. ie discomfort may well be hormonal, anxiety and stress will just stop her from feeling in the mood and if her glucose levels are high, that might be affecting her ability to feel aroused or stimulated.

Good luck resolving the problem, but it needs to start with good supportive communication.
Sorry to hear of the troubles you and your wife are experiencing @shahzada1974

It's not at all uncommon to have challenges with sexual health ans appetite at some point in life (whether you have diabetes or not).

There is information about some of the common problems women can experience here:

Being a supportive, affectionate and attentive partner (whether you are enjoying an active sex life or not) is always worthwhile. 🙂
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