Severe drops after single unit corrections today :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I've not posted much lately and not one to seek advice normally however, I've had 2 big drops with single unit corrections in 24 hours that I really can't explain :(

I'm 39 years old and been Type 1 for past 22 years and DAFNE course graduate. I've been taking Humalog and Lantus for a long time and not made any changes to fast acting ratios or background doses and no changes in body weight.

BG before breakfast today at 08.00 was 9.8mmol/l.
Had 20g carbs and took 5 units Humalog in total (5:1 ratio in morning plus 1 correction unit which usually takes my BG down by 3-4).
At 10:30 my BG had dropped to 3.4mmol/l.

I had a large lunch so didn't eat an evening meal.
BG at 23.15 was 14.8mmol/l, had coffee and 10g biscuit.
I took 2 units Humalog (10:1 ratio for snack plus 1 correction unit which again usually takes my BG down by 3-4 mmol/l)
At 02:15 my BG had dropped to 3.1

I take my 22 units of Lantus at 12.30 everyday as this is most convenient for me but this is the first day in a long time I'm at a loss to explain the very sudden drops.

Especially this morning's one when my Humalog would only be just half way through its usual 4 hour lifespan.

Appreciate the rules say not to give medical advice and I'll be contacting my Diabetes Specialist nurse tomorrow for that but wondered if any of you have any suggestions or suffered similar really fast drops?

My own first instinct is to swap out both fast and slow insulins for cartridges from new boxes and stop corrections.


NiVZ (who is hoping to catch some sleep and not looking forward to "hypo hangover" tomorrow)
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Sorry to hear this :( Ratios can change, and the changes can be quite abrupt - happens to me frequently with my novorapid. I'd suggest doing a basal test first to see if that might need reducing and what sort of coverage it is giving you. I don't need basal, so always know it's the novorapid at fault! 🙂
My own first instinct is to swap out both fast and slow insulins for cartridges from new boxes and stop corrections.
Why would you do that? The insulin is obviously working very well. :confused:
You need to do some basal testing to see exactly what is going on.
Also do remember it's the time of year when people start saying their insulin needs have either dropped or risen (weather/temp change).

I would suspect no need to panic just do some basic checks and you will be able to sort it out. 🙂
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