Set location

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all

I normally wear my set on my belly... no issues here and I rotate regularly so it’s not caused any issues... however, at my last appointment my DSN asked if I can start moving it further round the side incase I have the baby early or ready for c section in 9 weeks.
However... every time I try to do this my set fails... am I doing something wrong?

I use sure-t sets so i can feel the needle go in etc so I’m sure I haven’t messed that bit up and the insulin is fine as this morning after I started creeping up again I used the same vial but moved back round to my stomach with no issues.

Advice much appreciated!
Hi Grainger

I sometimes creep my sets further round to the ‘available excess’ on sides and backside. It is sometimes difficult as I have to disconnect for a shower, but otherwise the only impact is that the take up of insulin is a little slower, so levels can rise a bit before coming back down. If I correct the rise I then hypo later. I get round this by blousing a bit earlier, and then just accept that basal rates will be a bit out whilst I am using alternative sites.

In my cannulas I have a very long tubing which I find helps and means that there is a lot of give, so I certainly don’t get any tugging. In rare occasions I do however manage to catch the tubing on a door handle!

Hope this helps.
@SB2015 - the only snag with it is, since grainger is getting near her due date, it is vital to maintain well absorbing sites since she will already need increasing proportions of insulin until Tiddles finally appears, and if the site doesn't absorb she's pouring more and more insulin into her body without seeing results in her BG. She also needs to know PDQ if her BG suddenly drops - sign of failing placenta = get the baby OUT, now!

@grainger - try further round your bum, luv!

I have 'bony' sides - hip bones and the hip ends of my pelvis with 'hollows' in the sides of my well-fleshy tum just before it meets the bones - so 'sides' are out for me. Hence, I use the fleshy part of the sides of my bum.

My husband has to help me for most of them, when we knew he was going into hospital for an operation, I had to make sure I was using accessible sites whilst he was in.
I over-used abdomen sites on MDI and had a bit of a build-up of fat under the surface, so I have completely avoided abdomen while on pump (after the first week).

I have mostly used back and sides in three ‘rows’, so sides are def a spot that can work OK.
Thanks all. I’ll keep experimenting - stupid baby getting in the way... looking forward to getting my body back!
Don't think men have 'child-bearing' hips grainger ! Not suggesting anyone's are wide, just that our pelvic girdle is a different shape to mens!
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