Serum total bilirubin level raised

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Just had my annual check and mostly everything is all ok, with the exception of the bilirubin level.

so, my HbA1c was at 42, which is up from 39 last year but I'm happy with it.

Cholesterol was also fine and on the Liver Function test all was good with the exception of the Serum total bilirubin which was at 27, should be 20 or lower. I have to go back in a month for a retest on it.

I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience of this? I'm a non smoker, infrequent drinker (not big amounts) and eat a varied low carb diet. Triggers seem to be alcohol, too much red meat and dehydration for this looking online. I'm trying to increase my water consumption.

Any experience or pointers would be appreciated thanks.
My elevated bilirubin was a consequence of a blockage on my bile duct and I would speculate that this test gives an early warning of such a potential blockage. Your figure at 27 is very minor; probably wholly incinsequential. Mine was in 3 figures and increasing daily. But its a good thing that this small marker has been noticed and a retest will happen. My external symptoms were distinctly yellow skin, particularly on my face. Should your pallor change to yellow, I would suggest go back to your GP promptly.
Hi all,

Just had my annual check and mostly everything is all ok, with the exception of the bilirubin level.

so, my HbA1c was at 42, which is up from 39 last year but I'm happy with it.

Cholesterol was also fine and on the Liver Function test all was good with the exception of the Serum total bilirubin which was at 27, should be 20 or lower. I have to go back in a month for a retest on it.

I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience of this? I'm a non smoker, infrequent drinker (not big amounts) and eat a varied low carb diet. Triggers seem to be alcohol, too much red meat and dehydration for this looking online. I'm trying to increase my water consumption.

Any experience or pointers would be appreciated thanks.
Check out 'Gilbert's Syndrome'. He was French so it's 'Jeelbear'.

Any jaundice or sallow face ?

My elevated bilirubin was a consequence of a blockage on my bile duct and I would speculate that this test gives an early warning of such a potential blockage. Your figure at 27 is very minor; probably wholly incinsequential. Mine was in 3 figures and increasing daily. But its a good thing that this small marker has been noticed and a retest will happen. My external symptoms were distinctly yellow skin, particularly on my face. Should your pallor change to yellow, I would suggest go back to your GP promptly.
Thanks for the response, no yellow skin or jaundice currently.
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