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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good evening everyone. I have not been on the forum for some time and I feel that this has led me to forget about my Diabetes. I think about it every day but do not seem to take it seriously as I feel ok. I know this is dangerous and I am feeling really bad about myself at the moment which just seems to make the whole eating thing worse. I know I must get it under control but it is so hard at the moment.
Good evening everyone. I have not been on the forum for some time and I feel that this has led me to forget about my Diabetes. I think about it every day but do not seem to take it seriously as I feel ok. I know this is dangerous and I am feeling really bad about myself at the moment which just seems to make the whole eating thing worse. I know I must get it under control but it is so hard at the moment.
Don't beat yourself up chum. a lot of us go through it. I know I have, had a session with a dietician today, her conclusion was that I had a good knowledge of foods, but I am too hard on myself, so maybe book a session with the NHS, get a professional view on things and look around this site, loads of info here
A wider perspective is hard when you are stressed, worried or frightened or just plain fed up. At diagnosis it can feel like looking up to the top of a mountain and having no clue as to which way leads to the top. For some its a challenge for others a nightmare.

Best thing is to have some short term achievable high reward goals and some longer term slightly harder goals. Then reasearch or get advice on how to achieve those goals and aim for them.

The start can be tough, whenever that point is, but the rewards can be remarkably good.

Keeping consistent records of your progress can be rewarding in itself, so you could give that a go. But, like looking towards the top of the mountain it can make you feel that is just too much, too difficult.

Unlike climbing a mountain it does mean a shift in lifestyle for life so have a look at what easier changes you can make early on. Nothing too hard or it could put you off.

If you are at your starting point then check in here regularly to get help and support and let us know how you are getting on and how you feel.

Good luck
based on past experience with other things I have the feeling i could do exactly that when i get complacent about something. its one of the reasons i've been trying to login and read a few posts or pages/articles everyday even if im rereading the same thing.

and as Gwynn says - set yourself goals for short and longer term.
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