Serious ambulance incidents include rape allegation and 'lost keys' death

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
"Serious incidents" involving ambulances - including an alleged rape and a patient dying after vehicle keys were "lost" - have risen by 16% in five years.

The number of such events rose in seven of England's 10 ambulance areas.

Unison said the rise reflected "intolerable pressures" facing ambulance workers.

The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives said the incidents amounted to a "tiny" number of patient journeys.

"Serious incidents" (SIs) are defined by the NHS as "adverse events" needing a "heightened level of response".
I was talking to a lot of Paramedics in the university a couple of weeks ago. A REALLY CARING BUNCH OF STUDENTS. People who you know you can trust. People who wright the news I would not ? I know everyone is different but headlines sell papers etc.
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