sensor error

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi fellow pumpers!

Has anyone had 'sensor error' on their pump for those that use sensors?🙂Bev

How's it going now?

Did any of the suggestions work ok?

Yes thanks Adrienne! All thanks to you i might add.:D

We took the transmitter off and charged it up - then put it back on and the ISIG came up as 16.6 - so started as 'new sensor' and hey presto!

Thanks a million Adrienne, we only have 2 left as we were given 10 - so i was feeling a bit cheated if we had to waste one. I spoke to J on the list and she said she gets 12 days from sensors!😱Bev
hi gals just wanted to say nice to see a new thread title is this staying ??

Yes thanks Adrienne! All thanks to you i might add.:D

We took the transmitter off and charged it up - then put it back on and the ISIG came up as 16.6 - so started as 'new sensor' and hey presto!

Thanks a million Adrienne, we only have 2 left as we were given 10 - so i was feeling a bit cheated if we had to waste one. I spoke to J on the list and she said she gets 12 days from sensors!😱Bev

Hi Bev

I'm so pleased that worked. You just never know. I have tried for a good 24 hours or more to get a sensor sorted out and sometimes you just have to give up and if you are not fully funded, its a right bummer. I hope it is still working though and you have not got any more error messages. Sometimes that does happen so keep an eye out.

Take care
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