Sensor bruises

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello 🙂

I’ve been having sensor issues for quite some time, a lot of bruising and pain. I’ve tried libre 2 and dexcom 1 and now on libre 3.

The last 4 sensors have been:
Initially painful, large bruise and asked to remove
Failed/stopped working about a week in, had to remove
Small bruise again and inaccurate readings, asked to remove

I have inserted a new one this morning and my arms now bleeding

I’m a little worried - is it possible they’ll stop me from using the cgms if this continues?
If you’re not getting accurate readings, you’re having painful reactions and you’ve tried 3 different CGMs then honestly to me it would sound like you’re not getting much benefit from CGMs as you must be having to fingerprick too. That’s ok, not everyone gets on with cgms, so maybe going back to just fingerpricks would be more suitable for you?
Hello 🙂

I’ve been having sensor issues for quite some time, a lot of bruising and pain. I’ve tried libre 2 and dexcom 1 and now on libre 3.

The last 4 sensors have been:
Initially painful, large bruise and asked to remove
Failed/stopped working about a week in, had to remove
Small bruise again and inaccurate readings, asked to remove

I have inserted a new one this morning and my arms now bleeding

I’m a little worried - is it possible they’ll stop me from using the cgms if this continues?
Hello @Hughes87, sorry to read you are struggling with different CGMs.

I found Libre 2 was incompatible with my body (just couldn't get any stability from readings). I had a brief period with Dex One, which was better but not brilliant. I'm now using Dexcom G7 which has totally restored my faith in the principle that there IS a CGM that will work on my body. The big difference seems to be because I can fit it onto my abdomen and the G7 remains an approved system to make it permissible by the DVLA.

I tried Libre 2 on my chest, in breach of the DVLA remit and it worked well from there; but I wasn't driving much and was happy to just finger prick to comply with DVLA.

So perhaps by trying your Libre 3 on a different part of your body you might get a solution (before just giving up on CGM)? Also the G7 is a pretty sophisticated setup (unlike the Dex One - with its 2 part 10 day sensor and 90 day transmitter). The Dexcom One+ will be in service very shortly in UK and that is a one part system, it seems to be more like a smaller G7 and definitely a combined sensor and transmitter; 10 day life, use and dispose.

I do hope you can find a CGM that works for you. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that having CGM is way, way better than fps + test strips and desperately hoping your hypo awareness will otherwise alert you in time. But with the tech now available that is a pretty desperate fall-back position. Good luck.
How frustrating for you! Don't give up on cgms too early, they are gamechangers when they work ok for you.
Here are some suggestions for what its worth...
There is the eversense cgm that is inserted under the skin and lasts 6 months, with a removable receiver stuck onto the skin to pick up the signal..not sure if its a possibility on the nhs but worth asking?
Otherwise, possibly you are something going on with your bloodclotting - may be worth asking a medical person?
Are you particularly thin? Maybe not enough of a fat layer for it? Maybe worth trying tummy?

End of day, if you can't get a cgm to work for you, well, lots of people got on for decades with finger pricks, and new better cgms come out all the time.
Hope you get a good solution soon!
Dexcom one I use on my tummy which has worked great. Due to nerve damage I can’t wear them on my arm too painful. Yet on tummy I didn’t feel it go in and it’s comfortable in use. Have you tried there sweetie??
Thanks for your replies.

I used the dexcom one on my stomach and it bled quite a bit then bruised and was irritating me by the 2/3rd day.

I am quite slim, very minimal fat on my arms too. It’s so frustrating as they are so helpful.

The under the skin one might be an option. My libre 3 has been funded and they have suggested the dexcom 7 next.

Feeling a bit disheartened but obviously whatever happens, happens🙂
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