Sensitive topic but here goes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Not been here for while and something has been bothering me. Basically diabetes type 2 has robbed me of a few things my eyes are dodgy and i am sort of holding a HB1ac of about 60. Down from 107 could be better i know.
Sorry if this needs to be somewhere else
Basically my ability to perform in bed has gone. Viagra worked for a while but not now.

Wondered if anyone out there had success with other means. The lower blood sugar has helped.
Hi all,

Not been here for while and something has been bothering me. Basically diabetes type 2 has robbed me of a few things my eyes are dodgy and i am sort of holding a HB1ac of about 60. Down from 107 could be better i know.
Sorry if this needs to be somewhere else
Basically my ability to perform in bed has gone. Viagra worked for a while but not now.

Wondered if anyone out there had success with other means. The lower blood sugar has helped.
The problem can be caused by a number of medications eg blood pressure meds, so if you are taking anything like that it would be worth checking the side effects of those.
It would be worth getting checked out by your GP for other options.
Have you seen an optician about your eyes and a GP about your intimacy issues? That would be the first step.
Nice to see you again @Berksps

But sorry to hear of the troubles that have brought you back :(

Have you got a treatment plan for your eyes? Has laser surgery been suggested? Well done on the significant progress on your HbA1c. That will be helping enormously! Gradually further improving your glucose management should help to slow the progress of your additional conditions.

In terms of your ED, alongside pharmacological options there are also physical interventions such as vacuum pumps which some members have mentioned being successful in the past.
Thanks for your replies so far. I understand its an ongoing journey. The eye problem i have had 10 to 12 eylea injections in one eye which has arrested the decline. The scans show the macular degeneration has largely been removed. There was fluid that was an issue. There are ongoing issues that may need laser treatment. The key is keeping the blood sugar managed and reduced. I am guessing that might help with the ED issue. Has anyone seen any benefits in that direction? I have never spoken to my GP about this.
actually i do have a question. as said my HB1ac has come down to about 60 from 107 but i seemed to have flatlined lately. what tips would you give me to try to get it lower. any replies welcome.
Welcome back @Berksps

With regard to further reducing your HbA1c you have clearly had some strategies that worked with the excellent reduction that you have already managed. Are you still using those, or have you let any slip since getting the reduction.

If you are happy to mention the strategies you have used so far, these could help others with their management, and also help us make alternative suggestions.

A good kick start towards a new target can be an honest food diary including the amount of carbs you are eating, using labels and weighing portions for a while to get a handle on this. This could help you to then make some swaps in order to reduce the carbs and so reduce the glucose in your system.

Let us know what has worked already.
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