Senior GP criticises 'galling' NICE call for GP empathy training

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A leading GPSI and government advisor has criticised NICE's call for GPs to be given extra training on being empathetic towards overweight patients, saying it is already a 'core' part of a GP's role.

Dr David Haslam, a GPSI in obesity and medical director of the National Obesity Forum, said NICE public health guidance on obesity released on Wednesday made him ‘furious’.

The guidance calls on organisers of GP education and CPD to provide training in how 'to identify when to raise weight management with someone and to do so confidently, but with empathy'. GPs should raise weight issues with patients in a ‘respectful and non-judgemental’ way, NICE said.

Dr Haslam said: ‘I think what GPs do incredibly well is be compassionate and communicate with patients; that’s the core curriculum for our job.

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One of the gp's at my surgery, should get a course in respect. I mean i know i am "obese" but told be told you fat and lazy, when that's not the reason i am fat and the fact he wouldnt listen well, made me feel loads better about myself ....not!!! so i think those that lack empathy should be given a course.
One of the gp's at my surgery, should get a course in respect. I mean i know i am "obese" but told be told you fat and lazy, when that's not the reason i am fat and the fact he wouldnt listen well, made me feel loads better about myself ....not!!! so i think those that lack empathy should be given a course.

Agreed, some GPs are great, others are completely lacking in the 'bedside manner', so I think to suggest only compassionate and empathetic people become doctors is stretching things rather a lot! 🙄
Some medics need to realise that beating someone with the "fat stick" - ie insulting them basically - is NOT going to lead to positive results. If you really want someone to succeed at something, you use praise and encouragement.

The daughter of a good friend has a blood disorder, and when she was about ten years old, at the end of a consultation, the doctor turned to her daughter and said "And you, young lady, are fat!" She was really upset, obviously. My friend laughed it off, but I would've been furious with the doctor. None of his business!

It annoys me also that so many doctors and nurses 'threaten' their T2 patients with insulin if they don't improve things. This leads to an unnecessary fear of injections and can make people very non-compliant should their blood sugar control require it. I've heard of quite a few people who simply don't go back to their doctor because of this 'threat' and will no doubt end up succumbing to complications. Speak truthfully, yes, but try and make the patient understand the issues rather than presuming the only way to get them to help themselves is to scare them into it.
IMO, the blame culture causes more difficulties for diabetics than almost any other outside influence. Diabetics of all flavours need support and encouragement, not threats.
Hear hear.

But there again I wonder how overweight GPs raise the subject with patients?

I mean it's none of the patient's business why the Dr is fat, one would have no idea whether it was overindulgence, a medical condition or both - but it really ain't gonna go down too well if an overweight HCP tells you that you need to lose weight, is it?
Hear hear.

But there again I wonder how overweight GPs raise the subject with patients?

I mean it's none of the patient's business why the Dr is fat, one would have no idea whether it was overindulgence, a medical condition or both - but it really ain't gonna go down too well if an overweight HCP tells you that you need to lose weight, is it?

Reminds me of my poem 'The Weigh In':

Off for my check up, weight, BP and wiz,
It’s an agency nurse who’s conducting the biz,
So as you might do, in a jocular way,
‘I hope I haven’t gained any!’, I happened to say.

She raised her right eyebrow, in Roger Moore style,
And pursing her lips, looked down at my file.
‘Just take off your boots please, and stand on the scales,
Haven’t seen so much blubber since I went watching whales!

I found that offensive, and was about to say so,
When she spouted forth wisdom she thought I should know.
She put down her pen as she warmed to her cause,
And gave me no chance as she said without pause:

‘You don’t have to be big and hefty my dear!
I know that for women your size that’s a fear,
There’s an easy solution you really must try –
Either that, or grow fat, so fat you might die!’

‘Two cans of soup, the Weight Watchers kind,
Plus six natural yoghurts, and I think you will find
That after two weeks you’ll have lost thirty pounds,
And be able to walk without shaking the ground!’

At this I was speechless, for what did I see?
But a twenty stone nurse who was talking to me!
‘You should take your own medicine, for I strongly advise
That you give up the booze and stop eating the pies!’

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