Semi Skinned Milk.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure if it is a daft question but is semi skinned milk ok for people with diabetes?

Should other milk be considered?
Not sure if it is a daft question but is semi skinned milk ok for people with diabetes?
Presuming it's a typo for semi-skimmed milk then yes, it's fine. Has carbs, of course.

You might prefer full fat milk (extra fat tends to be more satisfying and slows digestion a little) but for smallish amounts of milk I'm sure it won't make much difference so pick based on personal taste and other things (a recipe might want one or the other for functional reasons).

For other kinds of milk (almond, etc.) you'd need to look at them separately, I think. For small amounts (in a tea or coffee) I doubt there'd be enough to cause any problems.
I only ever use semi-skimmed and haven't changed that, but I only have enough to colour the tea a little. Cream has less carbs, so I do sometimes have cream in my coffee. I have minimal dairy because of another health issue - I look back on the days when I could indulge in the rare treat of Jersey (Channel Islands) milk with its gorgeous creamy top ... sigh 🙂
Thanks to all.
Was thinking more for cereal which is my main ( and remaining) food pleasure.
I think a better question might be "Is breakfast cereal OK?"
The milk is going to make minimal difference as it is only about 5% carbs whereas the cereal will be about 65% carbs. You would be well advised to choose your cereal carefully, weight out a frugal portion rather than just tip some into a bowl, add your milk, test your BG level just before you eat it and then test again 2 hours later and see what sort of results you get.
That will tell you if that portion size is OK for you!
Personally I only use whole milk and cream these days to keep my carb intake as low as possible, but then I don't eat breakfast cereal anymore, so milk or cream just goes in tea and coffee in small portions.
You might also find that having your cereal in the evening instead of at breakfast time enables your body to cope with it better. Many of us are more insulin resistant in the morning so eating carbs then is more problematic than eating them later in the day. How about an omelette or steak and mushrooms (if you are @Drummer... and why not) for breakfast and cereal for tea?
Blue top full fat for me. Ocasionally as a treat i get a litre of jersey gold top to make my own lattes. Don't over do it andbe sensible. You only live once and what i have to live with and have survived an occasional treat is a must.
Once again many thanks for the time and effort from everyone.
A more concerning issue is covered on a separate post which I would appreciate feedback on .
Personal preference, carb & fat level is hardly worth bothering with between semi full fat milk, why anyone would stress about it is bewildering, especially in tea coffee.

Prefer full fat blue top but in cafes restaurants semi skimmed seems to be choice, taste wise isn't much difference anyway.
I have unsweetened almond milk on the rare occasions I have cereal, but I also have it 1/3 with water with my Newcastle diet style meal replacement shakes. Other wise I have a dash of semi skimmed milk in coffee, or skimmed milk in tea. Never been a fan of full fat milk or cream. Thinking of trying unsweetened coconut milk or hazelnut milk.
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