Semaglutide (Ozempic)


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have just started on this new medication & I would like to ask if anybody else has had the side effect of going to the toilet during the night to urinate often? I only ask because I was at the toilet 3 times last night which is unusual for me,I am on Metformin too & have been for some time.
I've read that the glutides can have side effects for some. I assume that it has been prescribed to help you reduce weight? Are you also following a low-carb diet? If not that should help a lot and you may be able to reduce your Ozempic dosage or even stop when you reach a good weight.
Hi there,its as an addition to Metformin as I need to reduce my blood sugar levels & it is coming down but slowly so my Diabetic nurse is trying this as well. Also its to protect my heart & to help with weight loss even though I have lost 5 stone since becoming Diabetic & the weight loss has helped my Angina no end.
The Patient Information Leaflet does not list it as a side effect.

Tell your GP and see what he says.
I haven’t had this as a side effect. Are your blood sugars high as that could cause night time peeing, guessing they’re on the high side of you’ve started new medication?
The Patient Information Leaflet does not list it as a side effect.

Tell your GP and see what he says.
I have a review soon so Im going to ask my Diabetic Nurse,she has been great with me from day one of my treatment,what she doesnt know isnt worth knowing:))
I haven’t had this as a side effect. Are your blood sugars high as that could cause night time peeing, guessing they’re on the high side of you’ve started new medication?
My Diabetic Nurse says they are just slightly higher than normal but isnt too worried but put me on this to see if it would bring it down faster.I have a review soon so will tell her whats happening.
I have been on Ozempic for about 4 months now (in addition to Metformin and Novamix) nonnegative side effects
I think most members on the forum who have reported side effects from Ozempic have mentioned nausea or stomach upset. As @Lucyr says, extra need to wee is a frequent consequence of high BG though, as the kidneys try to flush out the extra glucose, which then also makes you thirsty.
How are things going now @Medvejonok ? I hope the problems are improving for you.