
Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well I've got the SD CodeFree meter. (had it more than a week.) No idea about finger pricking though. I was at the support group last night and a member there got it out and had a go with me. And someone had a go today.
Last night (maybe 7:30) 6.6. Today, ate at 1:20pm, test at 3:37pm 6.5.
Now to do proper pre and post tests. Eight days worth :(.
Any info on finger pricking and other suggestions gratefully accepted.
HI Ralph,
Hold the lancet firmly against the finger & release the trigger, if you are not firm enough it may hurt....
Also, change fingers every time you test.

I test on the pad, a lot of people suggest the side of the finger but personally I don't like that
HI Ralph,
Hold the lancet firmly against the finger & release the trigger, if you are not firm enough it may hurt....
Also, change fingers every time you test.

I test on the pad, a lot of people suggest the side of the finger but personally I don't like that

Oooooh,........... I'm absolutely the opposite of all of that. I find it most comfortable to test on the sides of my fingers, and I hold the lancing device to my finger, but with the lightest touch. That way, I find almost painless.

One thing I will say, @Ralph-YK is that I don't use the Codefree lancing device, preferring the device that came with my very first meter, which was an iBGStar. A number of other people have mentioned they prefer other lancing devices, but I'd probably have kept on using the Codefree gizmo, if I hadn't had the other and what seems like a lifetime supply of lancets.

Just to add, testing was the best thing I ever did for my diabetes. The immediate meal by meal feedback really helped me shake it by the throat. :)
A number of other people have mentioned they prefer other lancing devices
The ones we use in the Fire Dept are brutal, they always hurt (but they are cheap single use..... I once took BG on a patient in the back of an ambulance; man she was a bleeder!!! Got blood everywhere!!!
Thanks guys. How to pick the spot? I'm not for randomally hitting my finger with a needle.
Thanks guys. How to pick the spot? I'm not for randomally hitting my finger with a needle.
Don't go close to the nail. Either side of the pad is fine. It's not bad at all ,honest!!!
I favour my thumbs, side of, you need to rotate and use all fingers if testing a lot of course but my thumb is the most giving :) It doesn't hurt at all if you have the stabbing device on the lowest setting, then if it doesn't go deep enough take it up a notch until you get the right depth for your skin. The sides of your fingers are less sensitive than the pad (in most cases) so aim for the side but away from the nail, it hurts like a painful thing if you hit the nail :eek:
Pre evening meal 6.4
2 hours post evening meal 6.8?