Seen consultant at TIA clinic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went to the TIA clinic today and dr says it might not be a TIA! Got to have an MRI scan asap to clarify whats happened. Bit nonplussed by all this, my hand is still not good and I feel im having to search for my words a bit more than I used to. Yesterday I was so dizzy I couldn't do anything. I don't want it to be a stroke, but what else could it be to come on so suddenly and totally take out the use of my hand? Weird and scarey.
Hmm! Not sure if it's good news or not - no doubt the doctor was totally non-commital. I hope that it turns out to be something far less serious than a TIA.

Take care 🙂
Thats how I feel northerner, just dont know what to thin. Of course Im worried about a tumour but surely that would have shown on the CT scan. He did say stress is a likely possibility but I've never heard of stress causing something so sudden and dramatic.
Thats how I feel northerner, just dont know what to thin. Of course Im worried about a tumour but surely that would have shown on the CT scan. He did say stress is a likely possibility but I've never heard of stress causing something so sudden and dramatic.
Hi Flutterby
My hub had CT scan and the doctor found nothing. Then MRI showed he's actually had TIA.:( I strongly wish that your case is less serious than TIA. Either it's TIA or something stress related, don't let them leave you untreated...
Did the Dr give you an indication of what was suspected ? Sometimes Drs say things like it may not be .... which is meant to reassure but unless you know what else is being considered you tend to worry.

Hope that you know what you are dealing with first, at least then you can start to work out a plan of action.
I hope all goes well with the MRI scan and you find out once and for all whatthe problem is. The sooner you know the sooner you can get the right treatment. Stress can do all kinds of things to people and affects us in different ways.
Hi Flutterby
My hub had CT scan and the doctor found nothing. Then MRI showed he's actually had TIA.:( I strongly wish that your case is less serious than TIA. Either it's TIA or something stress related, don't let them leave you untreated...

Thanks for posting about your husband's experience. I'm sorry that the result was not what you had hoped. I'm glad Im getting an MRI because at least it will clarify what has happened. How was your husband affected by the TIA? They told me that my symptoms should go within 24 hours but they haven't. My hand has improved but it's nowhere near normal and I want to get back to my card making. Seeing a lady from the stroke association today, maybe she can help.
Did the Dr give you an indication of what was suspected ? Sometimes Drs say things like it may not be .... which is meant to reassure but unless you know what else is being considered you tend to worry.

Hope that you know what you are dealing with first, at least then you can start to work out a plan of action.

The only other thing he mentioned was stress. In the last 2 years my life has been totally weird. My sister married a man who was an alcoholic and abusive.he also used drugs. She then left him and is now divorcing him. I needed laser treatment on my eye due to diabetic maculopathy, I spent 3 months ill with one infection after another due to a tooth abcess initially. I was in pain for weeks on end. Then my husband got made redundant after 23 years, recently we have been trying to sort out claiming benefits and getting some work done on the house - and now this has happened! I suppose that counts as stress!!
The only other thing he mentioned was stress. In the last 2 years my life has been totally weird. My sister married a man who was an alcoholic and abusive.he also used drugs. She then left him and is now divorcing him. I needed laser treatment on my eye due to diabetic maculopathy, I spent 3 months ill with one infection after another due to a tooth abcess initially. I was in pain for weeks on end. Then my husband got made redundant after 23 years, recently we have been trying to sort out claiming benefits and getting some work done on the house - and now this has happened! I suppose that counts as stress!!
You've been through a lot.....It must be really stressful!!
When is your MRI? I wish the doctor will get to the bottom of your problem.
You've been through a lot.....It must be really stressful!!
When is your MRI? I wish the doctor will get to the bottom of your problem.

dont know yet. had ultrasound of arteries in neck yesterday - all seemed ok. feel rubbish today.x
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