Seeking your opinion about Diabetes in the UK

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Hello Everyone!

I am a student from the USA studying in Leeds, England this semester. Back home I am part of an honors college known as the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State and in order to graduate I have to write a thesis.

Last year my youngest brother was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, so originally I wanted to do something with that. However, after speaking with several people I decided to do a Comparison between Type II Diabetes in the UK and the US instead.

I would really appreciate it if you could take 5 minutes to fill out this anonymous and brief survey about Type II Diabetes. You do not have to have Type II Diabetes to take it. I need as many responses as possible so please feel free to share it with your friends!

Thanks so much!!
Have completed it
Interesting - she sent it to DSF too - but the questions are closed ones with not enough scope for full answers so no idea how on earth she'll be able to analyse the results. We've asked her to rethink the questions.

In any case - Have Admin agreed to her posting this since usually Northerner says he has.

So - I've 'reported' it. Suggest no-one else completes it, pending Admin's decision.
Hi, I have received confirmation that this is valid research, approved by Terryanne's institution's ethics committee, so please help if you can 🙂
Completed. A couple of answers were not applicable but only allowed for an answer related to applicability such as 'access to a specialist'. Not all type 2's need access to a specialist so I've no idea how difficult it would be but had to give an answer.
All done.
I've done it, but you should be aware that you may comparing apples to oranges. T2s here don't generally have access to specialist consultants unless they are going on insulin or suffering complications. Access to education and dietary information is patchy and depends on the priorities of the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) in a particular area. One reason this forum and others like it are so popular is that people often find a lack of support and practical information when they are newly diagnosed and have to look to places like this to meet their needs.

There's nowhere in your questionnaire that would allow folk to explain or expand on their answers, and there really should be. I'm of the opinion that the questionnaire as written is too simplistic and your results aren't going to be statistically significant, or add much to the knowledge base. I'm sorry if that seems harsh, but at the honours level I would expect such research to look much deeper than this.
I've done it too, and asked a few friends who are opinionated about the treatment of type 2 in the UK (in different ways) to have a go. I do think your research might suffer from a very different framework in the UK though. The term specialist might have different connotations here, and most T2 folk don't get access to a specialist unless they have complications, in fact most care is undertaken by nurses. Anyway good luck and I hope you enjoyed your semester here 🙂
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