Seeing a new Psychiatrist on Friday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have been seeing a psychiatrist and on prozac since about November. I got on really well with the psychiatrist and thought seeing her was helping a lot. Then she vanished, I used to have ~monthly appointments but have not heard from her for a couple of months.

I have now had a appointment through to see someone else, I think he is linked to the ante/post natal depression unit. I guess it makes sense to be seeing them, but I am really nervous about it. What if I dont feel I can talk to them?

I definitely need to see someone, I have been feeling really down recently and this has been affecting my levels. I am not sure if maybe the medication needs changing? I just can not be bothered with anything at the moment, my poor OH does not know what to do to help. All I want is to be left alone.

I even found myself on the way home yesterday stopping into a number of different shops and buying cakes. This is what I used to do in my bulimic days so no-one would see how much I was buying, stuff my face with them all once home, and then make myself sick. Fortunately I saw sense before I got home and chucked most of them in a wheelie bin - this is a really really bad sign though for me.

I can not believe I am writing this post, this baby was planned for and had been wanted for years. I always realised a diabetic pregnancy would be difficult but I did not think I would be depressed whilst pregnant, I am really scared about how things might go after the birth.
Hi Rachel, I have no way of knowing how difficult things must be for you at the moment. Try to focus on the positive - you are keeping in touch with people here and hopefully you know that there are many people here who would do whatever they could to help you through things. The new counsellor may be much better than you fear, so try not to let it prey on your mind until you have met. Things are bound to be a little difficult to start with as you are discussing some very, very personal matters and you need to have faith in and respect for the person you are talking to. You can't know beforehand how you are going to react or gel with this person, so try and hope for the best.

I know about the 'buying in different shops' - I used to do that with booze so that they wouldn't know I was consuming huge amounts every day. Well done on recognising and overcoming it before it did you harm.

I hope that things go well, you have an awful lot on your plate and I really admire the way you are handling it, but understand that some times it might get a bit too much - always find someone to talk to first, please! 🙂
Rachel just be honest - they are there to help.

I think I read somewhere that it is common for most ladies to show some depressive symptoms during pregnancy - so don't be down on yourself, all those hormonal changes will be causing some of it.

It seems really unfair on you that the support you had and felt was helping was just taken away.

Have a word at your surgery and see if they can recommend a support group for expectant and new mums.
Thanks for your comments, this place is invaluable at times like this. Now tucked up in bed with my cats.
ohhhh that sound so snuggy have a lovely sleep Rachel xxx big hugs 🙂
You made the post which is a good start. See the new psychatrist and see how you feel about them. At least you will be seeing someone, and if it doesn't work out perhaps you can explore other places?
Thanks for your comments, this place is invaluable at times like this. Now tucked up in bed with my cats.

Cats always know how to make you feel better I find 😉

Don't be too hard on yourself you're going through a lot more than most pregnant ladies have to, also you realised what you were doing and stopped which must have been hard.

I would give the new psychiatrist a go and if you don't feel like you can talk to him then maybe try someone else. I hope that the new guy helps you xx
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