See food diet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Yup that's spelt right. Today's diet was a see food diet (where you eat pretty much anything in sight).

Normally I don't tend to get hungry, but today I did! I ended up consuming over 25% more calories than my average.
I don't eat a calorie controlled diet, I just check them out of curiosity .. and ignore them (yes I'm weird).

I think I blame the hunger on a bout of throwing things out this week. On 2 days I pulled some items out of the attic and other areas, today I loaded up the car and took them to a re-use shop.

I waved bye bye to my climbing gear as I won't be using that again. These were from back in 2006


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Got a similar diet, anything I see I can't eat. Makes for the cheapest grocery shop. Thinking of giving up my plates, cutlery and cooking utensils.
Currently feel like a mushroom with my health, being kept in the dark and feed on BS from the medical fraternity.
It will be interesting to see how long I survive. Kicked the habit of taking meds and wouldn't you know it, feeling a damn sight better already. Starting to wonder if I really do have autonomic polyneuropathy. No shaking for the last 3 days, brain has perked up and the dexterity has returned. Feeling brighter and more alive, just when I have given up all hope of a comfortable life. Murphy's law I guess!
I've always been one to eat or not eat just based off hunger, not because it's breakfast time or lunchtime etc.
Did I invent intermittent fasting? I don't know, but my bad for not patenting it :rofl:

Kicked the habit of taking meds and wouldn't you know it, feeling a damn sight better already.
I always feel it's best to take minimum medications, if they are needed then fine, but I feel that each med adds it's own burden to the body. For me the benefit of the med needs to outweigh and stresses placed on the body by it.
We are all individuals, and our bodies will often not react as expected.
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