Secret Scottish NHS incident reports released

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hundreds of previously secret NHS reports into serious incidents, including 105 deaths, have been published by BBC Scotland.

More than 300 reports into the most serious incidents in Scotland's hospitals last year have been released.

The reports include a person being blown up while on oxygen therapy after lighting a cigarette.

They also detail deaths from fatal doses of medicine and missing equipment during a cardiac arrest.

Other reports show procedural problems in hospitals meaning patients died before they could be transferred and supplies of drugs or emergency equipment not being available.

The reports were released after a Freedom of Information request.
I'm so sorry. I'm afraid despite the seriousness of the report, I had to laugh at the bloke who blew himself up.
These freedom of information requests are starting to read like wikileaks:D It's a shame that requests have to be made for information that should allready be in the public domain.
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