Secret eating...never feeling full or satisfied

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, type 2, female 32yrs old. On Humilin M3 18units morning & 30units evening plus 3 oral meds. I cannot stop eating on an evening after I've eaten my main meal. I aren't fussed about it during the day, I can control my eating and liquid intake. Literally as soon as I start my tea I am instantly thinking what can I have afterwards! My mind doesn't switch off from food, it's exhausting ! Has anyone else felt or does this? I've never had this problem before I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago after having my son (gestational diabetes) any advice or motivation is extremely welcomed! Thank in advance xx
Hi everyone, type 2, female 32yrs old. On Humilin M3 18units morning & 30units evening plus 3 oral meds. I cannot stop eating on an evening after I've eaten my main meal. I aren't fussed about it during the day, I can control my eating and liquid intake. Literally as soon as I start my tea I am instantly thinking what can I have afterwards! My mind doesn't switch off from food, it's exhausting ! Has anyone else felt or does this? I've never had this problem before I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago after having my son (gestational diabetes) any advice or motivation is extremely welcomed! Thank in advance xx
What are your blood glucose levels like as it sounds like a lot of medications so could your levels be too low which is making you feel hungry.
What advice have you been given about the amount of carbs you should be having which those insulin doses.
It may be that that particular insulin regime is not suitable so it would be worth discussing with your diabetic nurse or the clinic.
What are your blood glucose levels like as it sounds like a lot of medications so could your levels be too low which is making you feel hungry.
What advice have you been given about the amount of carbs you should be having which those insulin doses.
It may be that that particular insulin regime is not suitable so it would be worth discussing with your diabetic nurse or the clinic.
My current A1 reading is 63mmol, had my appointment on the 2nd August. My levels range from 5.5mmol - 9mmol (morning and evenings) I am due to speak to my nurse this week about my A1 appointment so will bring it up with her, I suffer with my mental health with my diabetes, so I am very up and down with it. I can go weeks and be as good as possible and then I get burn out and it all goes T*ts up!
Hello @Jenniw1990

Sounds familiar to me. My anti-psychotics have a side effect of weight gain, which translates as making you feel hungry no matter how much you eat. Typical with a lot of meds for mental health. I would suggest finding an alternative thing to do when you get the crave. I know it's difficult. Everytime I want to eat again I am choosing to do some exercise.
Thank you, yes so I did my usual secret eating last 4.37am (UK time) and my stomach is churning and I feel terrible, god knows what my numbers will be when I test in 3hrs! I have noticed if I am reading a book it keeps me occupied but then I am taken away from my partner and 5yr old son! I am going to sign up to the couch to 5K and try run 3 times a week on an evening (when childcare is available) we run our own business from home and one of us obviously has to be around to look after son. Also is exercising okay to do at a later time, as I would have to exercise, then come home take insulin and wait 30 mins to then have my tea...maybe looking at around 8-9pm???
Sorry you're having a hard time with this. I also do the middle of the night thing. I can't advise on insulin sorry. However many others on here will. The 5K would be a good move I'm thinking.
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