Second growth scan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well I had my second growth scan this morning and despite being told that I was measuring too big and looked too big for how far along I am last week, she is the perfect size ( I felt like saying ha you were wrong to the obstetrician guy - but I was good) :D. So feeling much happier now I think I just needed to be shown that she wasn't growing too big already to make me feel better.

Also my control Is really quite good again if I may say so myself. Fingers crossed that it carries on this way now and no more high's. xx
so pleased all is well with bambino emma and size wise she is doing great xx keep up the good work
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Yeah!! that is good news. How long have you got to go now?

Thanks, only 8 weeks ish! I'm sure it'll fly by with christmas in the middle of that. I can't wait - i'm getting to the uncomfortable bit of pregnancy now 😉 x
Excellent news Emma - here's to the last 8 weeks! They are not so bad - honestly!
That's brilliant news Emma well done. The last eight weeks will fly past. x
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