Sea Sickness

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Ron Brownlow

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks

What's the best sea sickness tablets you would recommend for us T1s

As I have a window of opportunity that starts on this Monday coming to, as part of a relay team, swim the channel on the 1st year aniversary of my T1 diagnosis.

I have raised just over ?2000 for Diabetes UK so far.
quells ...? but check with gp ...and good luck ron
Wow that is amazing, good luck.

Can't give any advice on tablets for sea sickness, ask the local pharmacy or give NHS Direct a call.
Good luck - have a great swim / voyage.

A few observations from my season as a guide on seal & dolphin swimming tours in New Zealand, plus lots of sea kayaking, wild swimming, adventure race safety boat cover etc.
Definitely worth a chat with GP and / or pharmacist.
Best pharmaceutical solution is probably patches you put behind your ear, rather than tablets you have to swallow eg Scopoderm patches.
Wrist bands seemed to work for lots of people, both on boat and when swimming. Make sure you put them on well before you get on the boat - time will be in instructions.
Food can play a big role in minimising sea sickness - mint & ginger are good, eg sweets, gingerbread, mint tea etc; if too sick for food, then warm water can help.
Keep looking at horizon and keep away from engine fumes.
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I buy "TRAVELeeze" for us all. They are sugarfree and don't affect C's blood at all. They are strawberry flavoured jelly"sweets". Available at Boots.
quells ...? but check with gp ...and good luck ron

Kwells! Goodness, that takes me back to childhood! Do they still make them?

Good luck with the swim Ron - massively impressed! 😱
Kwells! Goodness, that takes me back to childhood! Do they still make them? QUOTE]

Yes, Kwells sea sickness tablets are still sold in UK, and many other countries, not to be confused with Kwells (permethrin) head lice lotion in USA - worth knowing if searching for travel sickness remedies in USA.
...Yes, Kwells sea sickness tablets are still sold in UK, and many other countries, not to be confused with Kwells (permethrin) head lice lotion in USA - worth knowing if searching for travel sickness remedies in USA.

Haha! Definitely worth bearing in mind! 😱
Cheers all for the advice - marvellous as usual.

I'm off to the chemist!
Hope you got a good supply Ron, I have tried a lot of them as suffered from sea sickness and then got a job working on boats (yes I have no sense!) I would recommend trying the pressure pads, although they may take a while to work or not at all, as well as the traveleeze types, I would take various forms of peppermint and ginger to help sooth the stomach, and avoid fryups! Also you cannot take too many said tablets in a day, or so it says. I'm not sure about tablets and their sugar as for me I worked on the boats before I became Diabetic. Once when I was on a smaller yahct type boat I found the best thing was to stare at the horizon, and I was given the steering wheel eventually I got us on a straight line and I felt better concentrating and looking at horizon helped! One week I was so rough whilst working 12-18hr days I only ate a single bannana and then threw it up too! I slept a lot when I wasn't working or just laid still!

Good luck and enjoy it!

Rossi 🙂
Not aiming to go off topic too long, but on my 2 x 1 day and 2 x 4 day voyages on RN ships in South Atlantic, I was surprised how many RN personnel had patches behind their ears - but then it's said that Horatio Nelson suffered from sea sickness, and he didn't get to the South Atlantic, I don't think - it was pretty rough, but I didn't need any medication, so I'm lucky. Watching the waves for cetaceans from the bridge was a good way to feel more comfortable; typing emails on a computer not so good.
South Atlantic experience was with diabetes; previous experience on seal & dolphin swimming tour boats (east coast South Island of New Zealand) was in months before and around time of diagnosis.
No advice on the sea sickness, but v v impressed with your fundraising efforts.
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