Scrap 'iniquitous' and 'outdated' NHS prescription charges, urges DTB

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The NHS prescription charge is 'iniquitous' and 'outdated' and should be scrapped, urges the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) in an editorial published in this month's issue.

England remains the only UK country still stumping up for this additional 'tax' on medicines, it says.

There are a host of exemptions to payment of the charge, including age, pregnancy, and some chronic conditions, such as diabetes and epilepsy, but these exemptions also extend to unrelated conditions for qualifying groups.

"Many such exemptions appear illogical and unfair, adding to our belief that the prescription charge is a poorly conceived, manifestly unfair tax," says DTB.
Whilst I agree with them saying it ought to be abolished, how does the co-pay system work?

The trouble with that system is what if you are skint one month cos the roof blew off, several appliances popped their clogs, you've been co-paying for prescriptions for your sick baby/grandma/spouse, the dog's been diagnosed with diabetes and the car's been wrecked so you are having to pay for alternative transport because the bloke that hit you hadn't bothered with insurance. Or a licence.

You have a terrible headache but as you can't afford any medication you put it off - anyway it's just stress you tell yourself.

8 weeks later when you can just about afford it - it's too late cos you are dead anyway from a brain tumour.

Or something .......
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