Scottish GPs warn ?public must use NHS differently?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
RISING demand from patients in Scotland is making health services unsustainable and action is needed to educate the public about when to use the NHS, doctors have warned.

The British Medical Association (BMA) meeting in Clydebank heard that GPs faced an ?overwhelming? workload that was expected to grow.

And they told health secretary Alex Neil that he should tell patients they need to use the NHS in a different way.

Mr Neil told doctors that the biggest challenges facing the NHS included funding pressures and the demands from a growing and ageing population.

His comments came as doctors last week told The Scotsman their workloads were reaching ?saturation point?.
We should use other sources for minor things, like the internet? Oh yes? - hands up who hasn't been met with complete disapproval on saying to their GP or consultant, 'Well it said on the internet that (whatever) ' ??

And then the podiatrist who told us at a local DUK meeting that some people (not necessarily with diabetes) don't do anything about their feet, including not washing them or eroding any hard skin with a pumice stone, or cutting their toenails or literally, ANYTHING. Fair enough if the person is disabled, or 8 months pregnant and just can't reach, but most often they aren't.

And then they have a problem and get an appt with her and when questioned, tell her it ain't actually their problem, it's the NHS's. And she said the NHS is somewhat to blame for this, because people tell patients if they should have a problem, 'We'll sort it out for you'.

The NHS - a victim of it's own success !
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