Scottish Forum Meet-Up?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Anyone interested in a Scottish version?

I've just moved this to a new thread to see if any Scotland based members want to look into a meet-up as Hazel suggests. i know Kojak just said in another thread that he's disappointed to not be able to attend the London one.
I'd love to meet up. I am Glasgow area roughly. x x
I will leave this open for the moment

Based on the number who are interested I would suggest avenue close to either Glasgow or Edinburgh railway stations. The venue to be determined by the numbers closest to each venue.

I will keep you posted

I will leave this open for the moment

Based on the number who are interested I would suggest avenue close to either Glasgow or Edinburgh railway stations. The venue to be determined by the numbers closest to each venue.

I will keep you posted


Thanks Hazel.
Don't know what is happeneing on the med side yet. Gall bladder to come out, part of finger to be "removed" and various other minor work removing and drilling stuff.

Will keep you updated.

Lost the darned power most of the late afternoo/evening. Just restored so checking various computers and gadgets.
Must check the generator tomorrow in case we have more 50+mph winds.
John, sorry to hear of your health issues - look after yourself and keep in touch


I'm in North East Aberdeenshire. Happy to take a trip to either Edinburgh or Glasgow - my wife is trying to convince me to 'meet-up' so she can go shopping with our 2 year old daughter and 13 week old bump :L

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