Scientists look to grizzly bears for weight-loss answers

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Relationship to Diabetes
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Researchers are beginning to study grizzly bears and their food and fat processes in an effort to find a way to combat obesity.

Dr. Kevin Corbit, a scientist at drug-making corporation Amgen Inc., is studying grizzly bears to find out how their bodies manage obesity in order to create new weight-loss medication to widen the options beyond the three FDA approved drugs and without the side effects of the current medications. For his research, Corbit travels to Washington State University, which has the only facility in the world with adult grizzlies for research.

The reason is that bears, unlike humans, can control their insulin levels.

I can control my insulin levels! Not always successfully, mind you! 😉
But you don't fatten yourself on salmon, berries etc each autumn (or fall, I suppose as they're North American mammals), then hibernate for months each winter, Northerner! 🙂
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