schools dont understand

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Relationship to Diabetes
As a parent of a daughter who is 1.5 diabetic and has been diagnosed 16months, and has been in hospital 45 times and been off school a lot, because it took a long time to get her bs under control. Has anybody had problems with teachers at school because off their time off, its stressing me out
Hi Emelia,

welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear that your daughter has been having a rough time of it.

There are quite a few experienced parents on this forum who will be happy to offer support and advice on dealing with schools and teachers.

If you have any questions just shout.

As a parent of a daughter who is 1.5 diabetic and has been diagnosed 16months, and has been in hospital 45 times and been off school a lot, because it took a long time to get her bs under control. Has anybody had problems with teachers at school because off their time off, its stressing me out

I haven't had any problems with C not being at school due to appointments, but then she hasn't been off that much. C is a type 1 diabetic.
If school has a go at you again, just stay calm and tell them that your daughter's health comes first. (How would they feel if she died).
Thanks keith its just wearing me down, and to make matters worse when my daughter was first diagonosed i reported her absenses and letters then the truancy officer was phoning my house up to tell my her daughter is type 1 and dosent have any problems, i reported her to the edcation welfare, as though anybody wants diabetes xxxx
Thanks for replying to me, some times i think im gonna av a breakdown. I told them that if shes dead she wont be will she, the teacher said dont get angry erggg!!! The school have had letters off her consultant, weve ad 3 meeting with the diabectic nurses, phone call from them to school, what more do they want blood xxxxx

If you look under the parents section you will see I have a thread on with exactly the same problem.

My son told us last night that he is stressed out because his teachers "shout at him" when he doesnt produce his homework,( he was off when it was given out..........)

and he has been off school more than he has been there:(

Just last night my husband and I wrote a very sensitive letter explaining about his condition (at the parents evening half the teachers werent aware that he was diabetic😱)...............and printed off a dozen copies for him to give to each subject teacher - we know they have a job to do but some of them are making him feel guilty for taking time off when its the last thing he WANTS to do!

I dont know if you would consider that or if it would be a help - we wont know ourselves if it will make any difference but we have to try something!!

Keep your chin up - I know EXACTLY how you are feeling! xxxxxxxx
Thanks for replying to me, some times i think im gonna av a breakdown. I told them that if shes dead she wont be will she, the teacher said dont get angry erggg!!! The school have had letters off her consultant, weve ad 3 meeting with the diabectic nurses, phone call from them to school, what more do they want blood xxxxx

Sorry I missed your last post - you have obviously gone down that road already then!!

I know what you mean - I was in floods of tears yesterday over the very same thing. We have had three meetings, one with his headmaster and two with his form teacher. We had hoped they would relay this to his subject teachers but no!

This letter to them all is our last resort!😡
I suggest you ask for a meeting with the Headteacher, who is well placed to deal with these issues. There are articles on diabetes at you may find useful to support your case

I think its a school thing.
When i was diagnosed, my mom rung the school everyday for a week and got no responce back. so on the last day she went to the school (took me with her) and sat in reception till my head of year came to talk to her.
His first words were 'you didnt need to come, you could have phoned' 😡

As the others suggested, talk to the teachers that deal with her the most.
Ask for a meeting with the head teacher, and the Special Educational Needs Co ordinator. SENCOs are there for all children with special needs not just those with lerning difficulties. Perhaps you can get some help from any specialists, professionals and doctors involved in your daughters care too.
Im really sorry to hear about all of your problems with the schools. Im a teacher myself and was very recently diagnosed as type 1. I know that schools vary so much when it comes to things liek this.
I had a pupil once whos father died over a weekend and when she came to me to ask for work I assumed she was in trouble so asked her what she had done wrong and she replied that her dad had died! As you can imagine I felt awful!
Communication often varies but where I work we have an excellent internal email system. If anything is wrong with anyone in my form I email all the teaching staff and if needs be speak to individuals. I make sure that i explain everyhting and can make instructions about care and any help that a pupil might need clear. It is part of my role as a teacher to care about the welfare of my pupils. If I didnt go out of my way to help a pupil I wouldnt be a very good teacher.
Perhaps you could contact your childs form tutor and ask them to make sure their teachers are aware and that could they please take this into account when dealing with things like homework (which I hate by the way!). We have a pupil who has been off for most of the two years I have been at my school with diabetes complications and there has been regular contact between school and every week there is a collection of work for her to be sent home and it is returned completed for us to mark
Obviously when dealing with senior management and the Local Educatonal Autrhority things are very different there are members in my school who I adore and others who I cannot stand at all! It really does just depend on the school and im really sorry that I cant suggest anything more to help you. Just keep on at the school and dont worry about it your childs health is a priority.
Any questions about the education side of things dont hesitate to ask x
Writing a letter to everyone sounds like an excellent idea. Perhaps you could explain in it that Diabetes is a complex condition and just because one person has few problems with it doesn't mean another person won't. I hope you can get this sorted out quickly for both your sakes.
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