Schoolboy put in isolation after shaving head for cancer charity

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Type 1
A schoolboy who shaved his head to raise money for a cancer charity has been put in isolation for breaking uniform rules.

Stan Lock, 14, had a "number one" haircut to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support on Sunday after playing rugby.

He was placed in isolation on his return to Churchill Academy in Churchill, North Somerset, for "flouting" school policy.

Friends have since set up a Free Stan Lock petition and Facebook page, while his JustGiving page has raised around £2,000 in donations. He had aimed to raise £100.

In a statement on the JustGiving page, Stan said: "Unfortunately for me the head teacher at my school decided on Monday that my hair cut was too extreme and has placed me in isolation for at least the rest of this week.
What a pompous a---hole that Head teacher seems to be!

Not like the kid dyed his hair bright orange or had a ruddy tattoo, now is it? Short hair will soon grow again.

I think all his mates ought to have a No 1 too.

I spose if you had had a brain tumour removed or chemo, they'd stick you in isolation too since they have to treat everyone the same. You'd obviously be expected to consult with the school before letting a hospital do that to your child though.

A lad at my school grew a beard one summer, he was working his holidays at Cape Hill Brewery in Smethwick as he was looking forward to his A Level year and Uni. In September when we re-assembled and everyone said Oooh, Kev's beard really suits him! - his Housemaster sent him straight to the Headmaster for punishment. The Head read the note and asked Kev one question, which was - Tell me 'Bloggs' - (not his real surname LOL) do you feel your beard will interfere with your studies here? No Sir, don't think so. Neither do I, Bloggs - go back to Mr S and tell him that, please! Kevin did. He enjoyed it very much!
My favourite one was a mischievous young scamp who was always getting into trouble. The teacher made him write out the school rules 50 times as punishment. The next day he turned up with his eyebrows shaved off. When asked to explain, he pointed out the rule which stated 'No facial hair' 😱 :D
There's no way that such an altruistic act in a boy or a girl should result in any form of sanction or punishment
The headmaster should make a donation to the charity, to make up for his bad judgement. 😡
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