School on front lines of diabetes battle (USA)

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If ever there was a way to merge classroom learning with giving, health awareness and recognizing something bigger than oneself, a collective effort by students and staff at Alfred G. Waters Middle School would be the example.

Led by head nurse Loretta Newsom, the school started the year with a diabetes service project for its first marking period. Already, they have had speakers visit from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and started a fundraising campaign for diabetes research in honor of five students at the school who have the disease.|topnews|text|Home

Interesting. Instead of the kids with diabetes being able to blend in and be like 'normal' kids, they are being made the centre of attention - but obviously with a good cause in mind. I wonder if they were all consulted about how they might feel about it.
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