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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Feeling quite upset. Woke to 8.7, had 3 units insulin with breakfast - 2 to cover this particular breakfast and 1 to adjust 8.7. Got a bit concerned about 20 mins ago because eyesight started to go funny - like wavering computer screen, thought I'd better test and was 2.8 - hadn't had any other warning signs, when usually I'd feel real 'shaky' and a bit sick on this - like I'm feeling now! Had 3 glucose tabs and now up to 4.9. I'm so worried I will loose my hypo awareness. I know Salmon has had a few like this - anyone else had this?
Hi runner, it has happened to me occasionally. Like you I have been worried I might be losing awareness - but then the next one comes along and I'm shaking like a leaf at 3.7! Hope the next one gives you plenty of warning! I think there ought to be lots of different names for different types of hypo - a bit like there are supposed to be lots of Eskimo words for snow! (A myth, but you know what I mean!)😱🙂
Thanks North, now having another - 3.1 and getting ful symptoms - should have backed up with carbs quicker. Think I've probably overdone it now - banana, another glucose tab and 2 bourbons - just hate that hypo feeling....
Goodness- hope you've got it sorted now! I hate those 'wobbly' ones that won't stay stable - like they're supposed to!
Its now 7.5 - thought it would be higher, guess it may still rise which poses the dilemma in a little while - how to treat luchtime carbs. Oh the joys.... :(
Hope you are feeling better. I have found those second hypos so annoying and I get cross because I feel like I did something wrong.
for lunch I would be conservative with my dose, you want to avoid another hypo if possible.
Thanks everyone, yes feeling a bit better now although got the proverbial headache! Now up to 9.1, so guess the banana or bourbons are kicking in, but will be conservative with lunch dose - can always dose again later. Now to catch up on the work I should have doing this morning!
Hi Runner...

Hope you feeling better.🙂

Nathan has hypos without warning...and then ones that take time in stabalising followed by another one in close succession.

Hi Steph and Sasha, a lot better thanks. BG 6.6, so must have got lunchtime shot about right. Still a bit headachy, but that could just be life!

Hope all's OK with you two and Nat.
Feeling quite upset. Woke to 8.7, had 3 units insulin with breakfast - 2 to cover this particular breakfast and 1 to adjust 8.7. Got a bit concerned about 20 mins ago because eyesight started to go funny - like wavering computer screen, thought I'd better test and was 2.8 - hadn't had any other warning signs, when usually I'd feel real 'shaky' and a bit sick on this - like I'm feeling now! Had 3 glucose tabs and now up to 4.9. I'm so worried I will loose my hypo awareness. I know Salmon has had a few like this - anyone else had this?

Yes ive had a few like that for the last two weeks since ive been ill (swine flu , and kidney infection) I can normally feel when my sugars hit 4 and always feel hypos but ive had some low ones that i havent felt AT ALL !! ive had 1.9's , 2's and 2.1's actually alot of 2.1's all that ive caught by accident by just routinely testing (im a testerholic ) 😱 im hoping its because ive been ill so just feel lousy and havent picked up on them , scary though as i live alone and ive always felt confident as ive got good hypo awareness usually.
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Hi Runner..

Hope you feeling much better now and your headache has eased off...try and have a good rest if you can over the weekend..xx🙂

Me and Nathan are good thank you.🙂

Take care

Hi Steph and Sasha, a lot better thanks. BG 6.6, so must have got lunchtime shot about right. Still a bit headachy, but that could just be life!

Hope all's OK with you two and Nat.

yes thanks all good with me xx
Yes ive had a few like that for the last two weeks since ive been ill (swine flu , and kidney infection) I can normally feel when my sugars hit 4 and always feel hypos but ive had some low ones that i havent felt AT ALL !! ive had 1.9's , 2's and 2.1's actually alot of 2.1's all that ive caught by accident by just routinely testing (im a testerholic ) 😱 im hoping its because ive been ill so just feel lousy and havent picked up on them , scary though as i live alone and ive always felt confident as ive got good hypo awareness usually.

Hi Insulin, it's horrible isn't it - didn't realise you were ill and somehow missed your post yesterday. I'm fine now and hope you're starting to feel better. Hope your awareness comes back - as you say it is probably being ill 😱
Hi Insulin, it's horrible isn't it - didn't realise you were ill and somehow missed your post yesterday. I'm fine now and hope you're starting to feel better. Hope your awareness comes back - as you say it is probably being ill 😱

Hi Runner , I'm glad you ok now , yes very scary to know that your own body can do that to you !!! so much for royalty lol . Hmm I'm still hoping its being ill causing mine :( if not then 😱
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