
You folks won't know what spider-scary is until one day you open a mailbox and a redback lunges at you, frothing venom. 😱😱😱😱

Must admit, my first thought when I saw the size is that is was likely a baby spiker compared to what they have in Australia. Then I realised that there were only 6 legs so not a spider and then I zoomed in and clearly not even an insect! good for a laugh though and goodness knows we need that these days!
You folks won't know what spider-scary is until one day you open a mailbox and a redback lunges at you, frothing venom. 😱😱😱😱

I encountered one in the car museum in Sydney in 2002. I moved on very quickly. When I mentioned it I was told "Make sure you always check the toilet when you lift the lid!". I still would not mind living there though 🙂
Spiders don’t bother me at all. I quite often pick them up and gently put them somewhere more suitable. In the autumn our spiders have hob nailed boots on, they don’t half make a racket on our oak floor!
Spiders don’t bother me at all. I quite often pick them up and gently put them somewhere more suitable. In the autumn our spiders have hob nailed boots on, they don’t half make a racket on our oak floor!
Snap! They eat pesky flying things...there’s always a spidery welcome in my house.
I love spiders too.... at least the harmless ones we have here in the UK. They are welcome in my home to deal with any flies, so I don't put them out. Not sure I would feel the same way about those scary antipodean ones though!
We have lived in this house for over 40 years and I don't use pesticides so I was happy to have a little spider set up a web behind the blinds in the kitchen. Over the years she grew to quite a size and I used to find her cast off covers on the windowsill from time to time along with the snipped off wings of her dinners.
When I found her curled up and dead one morning I did shed a tear as I swept her up and tidied away the web.