scary low

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
wondering if any one has any advice? My daughter has been having quite a few lows during the night, but not every night. There doesnt seem to be a pattern. We have reduced basals by a few increments a couple of times, but they keep randomly happening.
But last night about 9.30 she was 13 for which she gave herself a correction. Bad idea. Although it brought her in to range by 11.30 she continued to drop until she was 2.8 at 1.45am. She came back up with apple juice but was hypo again by 5.30 and took a while to come up again.
She is exhausted this morning!
she is on Medtronics pump.
Do you think it is a basal problem, or was the correction at fault?
Should she have a snack to keep her up once she has treated a hypo with fast acting sugar? I know they say you dont give a slow acting cho on a pump, but it seems like she needs it.

Any ideas?

I can't answer this today, but I am attending a training session Sunday covering hypo's and pumps.
But last night about 9.30 she was 13 for which she gave herself a correction. Bad idea. Although it brought her in to range by 11.30 she continued to drop until she was 2.8 at 1.45am. She came back up with apple juice but was hypo again by 5.30 and took a while to come up again

My first suggestion is to do the dreaded basal testing and sort the basal out.

I would also suggest that the correction factor would be the next thing to look at. Insulin duration is anything from 4 - 5 hours so the fact your daughters numbers were in range 2 hours after the correction would then mean there is 2 or 3 hours unspent insulin floating around, hence the hypo.

It's very important though to sort the basal out first though.

Having just checked your posts I see your daughter is a teenager, so firefighting springs to mind due to hormones playing havoc as an added bonus.
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