Scary...but cool!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Right, about to do my first full set change on the pump (seizing my chance whilst the kids are being both good & quiet- ie asleep! 😛

Reservoir, tubing, I go!!!! 😱

(have to do this now as just had a low cartridge warning, supposed to change tubing etc tomorrow anyway so figure do it all now rather than waste another 24u priming the line again tomorrow...hope I'm not being too naughty!!! Suddenly this all feels a lot scarier than mdi...!!)

Right, enough procrastination....! 😱
Hope all goes well! 🙂 Aren't you supposed to just lock the children in a cupboard until you've finished? :confused:😱

Phew...that was....interesting!!

Seems to have gone ok...all I can say is thank God I didn't do it while the kids were about!!! 😱 Don't for a minute think it would bother either baby (apart from lack of slavish attention to her) or toddler (I wanna do it!!!), I just can't imagine being able to concentrate like I just have!... I couldn't find anywhere the instructions on how to fill the cartridge, finally twigged that there were some Ikea style pictorials on a flyer in the packet...:confused: fun... never did enjoy assembling flatpack furniture hehe!

I'm feeling totally paranoid that I've missed something really important now...I've checked my BG so will check again over the next couple of hours just in case... I did religiously follow all the instructions though... quite relieved to have changed infusion sites too, as I was swimming with the kids yesterday (one after the other) at a waterbabies class... ie lots of babies / toddlers using the (school, so already dodgy lol!) pool throughout the they even produce enough chlorine to deal with those kinds of concentration of little 'accidents'?! 😱 Eugh!... All in all, happy to change that one early I think! :D

Sorry for this somewhat random thread - but hubby away this weekend (first one on the pump too, doh!) so thanks for putting up with my wittering in lieu of him! (he'll get it all when he gets back lol!)

Right, calm down...breathe...

Twitchy xx

ps - still love this thing!!!
Your doing brilliantly Twitchy!🙂

I wasted 3 sets when doing Alex's first set change! Just remember that you might go either high or low after a set change and might need a temp basal for an hour. Alex normally goes higher so we do a temp basal of 130% for an hour or so. You should feel very proud of yourself.🙂Bev
😱:D Thanks!!

Never thought I'd be grateful for all those years of having to draw up & mix those separate insulins lol! This might be fiddly, but I suspect there might be (marginally!) less room for error! 😱

Thanks for the encouragement, I'm beaming now...! :D
Ah keeping the kids quiet, there are many options there... A favourite from my school days may seem very Tom Brown's School Days but just lock them in a very humid drying room and bolt the door!

Trust me, you soon get used to all the set changes.

he he! Unfortunately ratbag 1 is now good at opening doors (mental note to self - buy a bolt!) and baby... let's just say if you keep her waiting for her milk (which she can decide she wants at any time, without prior warning )... she's fierce!! (& noisy!!!) 😱

Last time I saw a drying room was on an RAF station....happy days! 🙂

I s'pose I could always try the soporific effect of CBeebies on the pair of them... :D
Heh glad it went well for you. cbeebies is fab when you need to set change, although it doesn't work with babies demanding milk! all the best, Martin.
Glad doing the changes went well for you. If I have to do anything for the first time or that is a bit complicated I prefer everyone (including hubby) to be out of the way so that I only ask for help if I really need it.
One possible tip for escaping from / controlling little ones - stand / sit in their playpen. Sadly, no sound proofing, though.
Your doing brilliantly Twitchy!🙂

I wasted 3 sets when doing Alex's first set change! Just remember that you might go either high or low after a set change and might need a temp basal for an hour. Alex normally goes higher so we do a temp basal of 130% for an hour or so. You should feel very proud of yourself.🙂Bev

I didn't realise a set change can affect BG? I've noticed I always seem to go high after a change but assumed it was coincidence... What causes this?

Bit of a doh! moment for me.
One possible tip for escaping from / controlling little ones - stand / sit in their playpen. Sadly, no sound proofing, though.

:D Think perhaps I could tie a cat net over the top, to stop the pre-schooler climbing out... anyone think the nspcc will object? :D😉

Why don't modern houses have lockable cupboards?! 🙄

(social services - don't shoot - I'm joking!!)
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