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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have my blood test for my first ever HBA1C on wednesday and will get the result on the 9th july Eeeeeeekkk!! 😱

Is it just like a normal blood test? or do they take more than they would?? Ahhh i dont like needles..i know thats really silly for a diabetic to say but their needles are bigger than mine!!

Also i have my eye screen thing soon, where they take a picture of the back of the eye or something and wanted to know what this involves..:confused: does it hurt? sting? will i be able to see after?

Ahhh i am such a wimp!! 😱
Try not to worry, it will all soon be over! There are different approaches to the Hba1c test - some places can do just a fingerprick test and some take blood from your arm. They usually do the latter if you are being tested for other things like kidney or liver function.

The eyetest is nothing to be scared of. As you are young, you may not need the drops in your eyes to enlarge the pupils - ask if they can try without them first. If you do have them, the drops sting a little, and you will find everything very bright for a few hours afterwards - make sure you take your sunnies with you and don't drive! They'll take a couple of pictures, which will involve a bright flash, and that's the job done!
It is just a normal size blood test,a needle in the vein in your arm, it should not hurt. Ask if you can lie down if you are worrying about fainting.

There are 2 ways of getting the photo of the back of your eyes, either with drops to open up your pupils or without. I have not had the drops for about 5 years now, I think the machines must have improved. If you dont have to have the drops it will just be a bright flash, no stinging and you will be able to see fine afterwards.

If you do have the drops, they do sting a bit, and you will have problems focussing afterwards. I would take sunglasses with you as it should be a sunny day tomorrow, and it is really bright after the drops, you will not be able to drive hope afterwards either.

Hope it all goes ok

Thanks for the reassurance i feel alot better now 🙂

I dont drive so thats all good and i will take my sunnies with me!

I hope they dont do a finger prick as it wil be 2 hours post breakfast reading and thats up in the 8-9s usualy, no matter what i eat!! Oh well i feel a lot better now i know what to expect 🙂
hi ...if you have the eye drops and its not sunny take the sun glasses anyway its incredible how bright the world will be ...dont drive until your ready it doesnt hurt ...when going for your Blood tests dont worry now they have those vacum thingy is very quick and painless xxx take your time let them know your fears you ll be ok xx
...I hope they dont do a finger prick as it wil be 2 hours post breakfast reading and thats up in the 8-9s usualy, no matter what i eat!! Oh well i feel a lot better now i know what to expect 🙂

A fingerprick HbA1c is different to the ones you do with your meter, so don't worry about your breakfast having any influence on the reading if that's the way they do it. I suspect not, since you said you don't get the results for a couple of weeks, so it will more than likely be taken from your arm.

As it happens, I'm going for blood tests tomorrow too, so will be thinking of you! I've also just got a letter about my retinal screening today!
A fingerprick HbA1c is different to the ones you do with your meter, so don't worry about your breakfast having any influence on the reading if that's the way they do it. I suspect not, since you said you don't get the results for a couple of weeks, so it will more than likely be taken from your arm.

As it happens, I'm going for blood tests tomorrow too, so will be thinking of you! I've also just got a letter about my retinal screening today!

O thats ok then! 🙂 why does everyone keep sayin tomoro, its wednesday lol but thankyou for the thoughts :D
I always look away when having a blood test but you get used to them.

The eye test sounds more scary than it actually is. The drops stung when they went in but by the time I had blinked, the pain had gone. Look in the mirror afterwards if you have the drops and see how huge your pupils are - cool.
I got my appointment tomoz with the nurse for a long appointment 😱Its my 1st 1 with the nurse as a type 2 lol:D dunno wot to expect prolly more blood tests and a cholesterol test.... and had my retinaopathy appointment through for 8th july 2 days b4 my 43rd burpday lol not looking forward to having drops in my eyes either 😎 good luck for yours on weds 🙂
When I had my first eye test done I told them I was worried about what would happen, and the staff were brilliant. They explained things to me and showed me what would happen. Take the sunglasses with you. I always also take hat. If you're lucky you wont need the eye drops, but the worst is they will sting, but it doesn't last for long, and as Marg B says, it is cool to have large pupils. It used to be considered beutiful for ladies to have large dark eyes, which is why digitalis was put into the eyes, it is also known as Belladonna or Beautiful Lady. Not sure if it is still used these days thoe.

It depends where you have the blood test and what else they are doing, but it can be done with just a finger prick test. I find it helpful to look away or make conversation to distract myself from the needle. If you are lucky it wont hurt, but sometimes you feel a little prick or scratch. It doesn't take very long.
My pupils have always been big so i have never needed the drops yet. I am going on 28th next Monday, so got my sunglasses ready just incase.

I have had the blood with my thumb a little pin prick like you would to test your own bs, and in the arm its only a little tube they want, not so bad. doesnt hurt its just not nice, dont watch and you should be ok, try to keep talking to them and take deep breaths.

I nearly fainted yesterday with having my bloods taken but its cause im pregnant , was horrid.

Sure you will be fine 😉

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