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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
phoning docs in a while about the feet again. I'm fed up of the pains at the moment and i have skin at the back of my heels that is really sore from where my old work boots rubbed them raw. There is one which is STILL scabbed over. I've been moisturising them, but it still feels like the skin is broken/breaking.

the pains aren't frequent anymore. But I still feel like I need advice from my doctor regarding it. The feet aren't what they once were, they don't feel like my feet anymore if you get me? Not only that, its all getting on top of me and i don't feel as happy about things as i once did.

i'm scared. I don't want to lose my legs :( but there's a bit at the back of my mind saying that no matter how well i look after them now, in a few years i won't have any legs :( sorry to be morbid...
Sam your doing the right thing just ring up snd get yourself in to see them im mentioning mine today when i see gp for my review cuase im sick of night times with the pain, I just wanted to add while on the subject of feet we had a podiatrist in with us yesterday and she said these things about feet never soak them, moisturise 2 times a day,never ever walk bare feet, and trainers are the best footwear you can get , flexible sole wide fitting and leather which i did not know but is the best material for diabetics to wear on there feet.Anyways sorry for going off track but some might not know those points. Hope that you get it sorted if it winds you up as much as me then i knoe exactly how you feel x
Sometimes when we don't understand what is going on we fear the worst. It sounds pretty much like you are doing all the right things.

See the docotor tell him how you feel, ask for a referal to see a podiatrist who will have loads of advice and atke things from there.
Sam, have you registered with the Podiatary Service in Southampton? There's one at the RSH. I go to the one in Bitterne, but there might be one in Shirley too. Ask your GP about it or your DSN - you have to write a letter to them to get registered. I then had to wait ages for an appointment, but you might be able to get in quicker if you are having pain.
Sam, have you registered with the Podiatary Service in Southampton? There's one at the RSH. I go to the one in Bitterne, but there might be one in Shirley too. Ask your GP about it or your DSN - you have to write a letter to them to get registered. I then had to wait ages for an appointment, but you might be able to get in quicker if you are having pain.

i went to the podiatrist on archers road near the avenue. I told them everything (this was when it was at its worst), but they just looked at me and said my feet looked ok, i wasn't high risk as i didn't have seeping sores so they wouldn't be seeing me again. How rude

In other news, doctors got me back on the gabapentin. Oh joy of joys. I came out of the doctors almost in tears. I did not want to be back on them :(
i went to the podiatrist on archers road near the avenue. I told them everything (this was when it was at its worst), but they just looked at me and said my feet looked ok, i wasn't high risk as i didn't have seeping sores so they wouldn't be seeing me again. How rude

In other news, doctors got me back on the gabapentin. Oh joy of joys. I came out of the doctors almost in tears. I did not want to be back on them :(

Thats really bad after i saw the podiatrist yesterday at the course she told me if your diabetic your seen lightening quick ahead of the Q so to speak and you will be examined fully as your priority so just because they was no sores present should not of meant they just fobbed you off grrr.Sorry to hear you where nearly in tears thats not nice xxx hugs xx
Thats really bad after i saw the podiatrist yesterday at the course she told me if your diabetic your seen lightening quick ahead of the Q so to speak and you will be examined fully as your priority so just because they was no sores present should not of meant they just fobbed you off grrr.Sorry to hear you where nearly in tears thats not nice xxx hugs xx

it may have been beacuse i was seen by a student...though no full on podiatrist actually came to check up on me :confused: I might give them a call tomorrow lunch time.

It was a bit c**p. I said to my doctor (who is awesome btw), that i was really upset about it and he said that its obviously getting better because i dont wake up with sensitivity and more and rarely get the pins & needles. But then why is the burning sensation back? It's not there now, but it was earlier on. And the pains.

He made me feel better by prescribing me more test strips. I now have 350 test strips YAY.

I'm a bit scared of taking the gabs again...they made me go ever so wierd last time...
i went to the podiatrist on archers road near the avenue. I told them everything (this was when it was at its worst), but they just looked at me and said my feet looked ok, i wasn't high risk as i didn't have seeping sores so they wouldn't be seeing me again. How rude

In other news, doctors got me back on the gabapentin. Oh joy of joys. I came out of the doctors almost in tears. I did not want to be back on them :(

Have you had your circulation properly checked? There are various tests such as the Doppler ultrasound and one that compares ankle vs upper arm BP. I actually see a private podiatrist as my back/leg problems can make things awkward. I did go to an NHS one but felt he put too much effort is trying to stretch the time between appointments; i.e. cut nails to short.
Have you had your circulation properly checked? There are various tests such as the Doppler ultrasound and one that compares ankle vs upper arm BP. I actually see a private podiatrist as my back/leg problems can make things awkward. I did go to an NHS one but felt he put too much effort is trying to stretch the time between appointments; i.e. cut nails to short.

yes i have. I also have excellent circulation, pulses and sensitivity
Could you get away with half a dose of the gabapentin maybe? Perhaps that would still handle pain but with fewer side effects. Those podiatrists you saw should be shot, that was disgraceful treatment for anyone, let alone a diabetic who is at such high risk. When you get to see a proper foot person you should tell them what that bunch did.
Could you get away with half a dose of the gabapentin maybe? Perhaps that would still handle pain but with fewer side effects. Those podiatrists you saw should be shot, that was disgraceful treatment for anyone, let alone a diabetic who is at such high risk. When you get to see a proper foot person you should tell them what that bunch did.

they're capsules and full of a yucky white powder :( so cutting in half is a no go. I've just taken 1 tablet, doctor says try that for a while and see if it helps.

I imagine soon I will be feeling high as a kite.

I'm going to phone archers road tomorrow and get an appointment for after work one day. I want to see a proper person.
Next time you see the doc ask him about slow release pain patches. I forget what he said they were called, but a pal of mine who was badly hurt falling off a mountain a few years back has some for his back. He swears by them because they are fast acting and no side effects he's aware of.
Next time you see the doc ask him about slow release pain patches. I forget what he said they were called, but a pal of mine who was badly hurt falling off a mountain a few years back has some for his back. He swears by them because they are fast acting and no side effects he's aware of.

hmmm, maybe. Can you get gabapentin in tablet form rather than capsules? Then I could cut one in half. I mean, I don't want to really be taking more than 300mg a day, which is 1 tablet

oh shoot, here come the side effects....dizzy
I just Wiki'd and the photo shows both capsules and pills.
The pain patches will be fentanyl or morphine IIRC, gabapentin is a very different kind of drug.

Sorry you're feeling poo - can the doc refer you to a pain clinic, can they help?
Fentanyl and Morphine patches are all well and g ood but i'm not sure your doc would prescribe them. They're Controlled Drugs and opioids, so they'd probably like to exhaust other options first. Carbamazepine is sometimes used for neuropathic pain, as is Amitriptyline. These all tend to space people put though, my brother had a similar problem to you, Sam, with Amitriptyline. He's not taking them anymore and is having some kind of non-steroidal anti-inflamitory injection into his back (which is where his problem is).
alot of the wierd feeling is starting to go. I'm a little wobbly atm, still feeling a bit sick but at least the world isn't spinning like last time. lol.
I take low dose amitriptyline for chronic back/pelvis pain, only 25mg a night, but was previously on 150mg. It's been a lifesaver for me, but at higher dose I felt like a zombie some days. But I can feel the difference without it (if I have a night off for a drink!).
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