Scared of complication

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I have a big worry. I’m a type 1 for 15 years. My ac1 is around 6% always.
No complication that I’m aware of.

I just did a dipstick urine test and it gave me a +1 result! I’m kind of freaking out about it. The last time my doctor checked urine was about a year ago, everything was fine then. I’m up for a new appointment next month.

I have always been super scared for complications.

Ok. First of all, don’t panic. I had some protein in my urine a few years after diagnosis. Nothing came of it. I had a repeat test and that was fine. My GP put it down to a minor urinary infection. I’ve never had any urinary protein since. I have my own theory for why it was there (dietary) but the point is it went away quickly without me doing anything.

Your HbA1C is excellent so you’re clearly looking after your diabetes. I’d retest a few times over the next few days and if it persists speak to your GP - for reassurance as much as anything. Your GP can do more accurate tests and just check all’s well.
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