• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Scared newbie


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, diagnosed 10 days ago and struggling to get my head round it. Suffer from ibs and hiatus hernia so already on a restricted diet, just basically scared about what’s ok or not to eat that will help with diabetes, but not set off ibs. Also had phone catch up with Gp today regarding the blood tests done which picked up the diabetes, and he said I have mild but stable kidney disease, he said he wasn’t concerned but I am! Just something else to add to the list. Sorry just wanted to have a moan, so stressed
Welcome @Newbie6525 🙂 It’s normal to be scared and stressed. A diabetes diagnosis is a shock. Do you know what your HbA1C was?
Yes it was 108

Ok, so reasonably high then. The good news is that you can hopefully improve that. There are Type 2s here who had similar HbA1Cs and got them right down.

Have you been put on any meds for the diabetes?
Hi @Newbie6525 and welcome to the forum. Can well understand your state of mind, having both diabetes and a kidney disease sounds terrible and I think most people would be having a nightmare about it.

The upside is you have found the forums and the people here are friendly, don't mind whether you ask pertinent or 'stupid' questions (not least because all questions are pertinent and none are stupid. There is a lot of information and personal experience which you can review and consider in terms of your own situation. The only add on to that from me would be to list things that you are interested in or feel may be beneficial and then try to get a meeting with either or both the Diabetes specialist and GP (specifically for the kidney issues) and ask them for their advice and guidance. And always make sure that if they are not clear and don't answer the question, that you ask them to respond in a way you can underside.
Ok, so reasonably high then. The good news is that you can hopefully improve that. There are Type 2s here who had similar HbA1Cs and got them right down.

Have you been put on any meds for the diabetes?
Yes metformin sr, just increased to 2 a day but struggling with ibs, digestive issues. Gp says I can reduce back to what I can tolerate, but want to get things under control, and not sure where reducing my dose leaves me?
Yes metformin sr, just increased to 2 a day but struggling with ibs, digestive issues. Gp says I can reduce back to what I can tolerate, but want to get things under control, and not sure where reducing my dose leaves me?
Many people have found reducing carbs in their diet helps with IBS symptoms but metformin might not be the best medication for people with digestive problems as one of the side effects people can get are stomach issues. There are alternatives to metformin but looking at your diet would be the first step, obviously you will have to balance what you can tolerate with cutting down some of the high carb foods. Have a look at this link for some ideas for modifying your diet, hopefully you will find some meals that will suit you. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
A good website for info re IBS etc is the charily Gut UK.org where they have some dietary advice.
Hi @Newbie6525 and welcome to the forum from me too. As Leadinglights has mentioned, you might want to look at the suggested diets for your other conditions and do a bit of 'cross-referencing' to find things that cover all three. Have you voiced your concerns regarding food to your GP or DN?