Scared and anxious

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,

So I finally got an appointment with the diabetic nurse tomorrow and she is going to discuss medication. I'm so scared with anxiety as I'm scared of being told I might go on insilin. Diabetes is hard enough with my ocd as I get obsessed with it. I don't check my bloods because it causes more anxiety and my mental health takes a dive. I'm scared of insilin because of getting things like going low or ketones. I nearly died 4 years ago with ketones and it scared me a lot.

I'm scared of needles and pain but I know I can't go on this way as my hbc1a for 2 years has been either 106 or 95. I've tried alot of pills and I'm on 4 metlformin a day with 6mg glimiperide. I am house bound and don't get much exercise but I'm trying.

It doesn't help my pills at night make me eat and feel hungry. They are quitiapene and dr refuses to change them. I'm just scared, very scared.
Try to frame it positively @Marko2020 Perhaps if you do go on insulin, that will help you and you’ll feel a lot better and that your diabetes is more controllable? Anything new can be scary and often it’s the worrying about it beforehand that’s worse than the actual thing. Trust that your nurse is there to help you and to get the best option for you.
Hi Everyone,

So I finally got an appointment with the diabetic nurse tomorrow and she is going to discuss medication. I'm so scared with anxiety as I'm scared of being told I might go on insilin. Diabetes is hard enough with my ocd as I get obsessed with it. I don't check my bloods because it causes more anxiety and my mental health takes a dive. I'm scared of insilin because of getting things like going low or ketones. I nearly died 4 years ago with ketones and it scared me a lot.

I'm scared of needles and pain but I know I can't go on this way as my hbc1a for 2 years has been either 106 or 95. I've tried alot of pills and I'm on 4 metlformin a day with 6mg glimiperide. I am house bound and don't get much exercise but I'm trying.

It doesn't help my pills at night make me eat and feel hungry. They are quitiapene and dr refuses to change them. I'm just scared, very scared.
Hi. Injecting insulin is usually less painful than finger pricks so don't worry. Are you having a low-carb diet to help with any excess weight and BS?
Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow @Marko2020

Feeling anxious about a change like this is only natural, but try not to let it overwhelm you. Wait until you have some more information to go on, rather than allowing your thoughts to spiral with what ifs that may not be revelant.

Do you think it might help to write a list of your worries and fears, so that you can share them with the nurse at the beginning of the appointment, so they know you have been stressing about this?

Perhaps if they know how you have been feeling, they can go gently, and talk you through the options.
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I've always struggled with change and anxiety.

I've had diabetes for over 11 years and was on tablets. It doesn't seem to work now with pills. I'm constantly sweating and feeling tired all the time. 3pm is my appointment and the diabetic nurse I get is a 3 month trainee and can't tell her anything or ask as she doesn't know.
If she doesn’t know an answer, ask her to speak to someone else at the surgery @Marko2020 I had to do that once when I had an appointment with a GP nurse who didn’t know something. She went out of the room to check with a nearby nurse.

Keep positive and advocate for yourself.
Hope your appointment goes well. I suffer anxiety and depression been diabetic 8 years managed with diet (vegan) but last year was rough few deaths in family and it’s now not working. Tablets made me worse transferred to specialist diabetes nurse as doctors one only talked pills. Anyway turns out I’m not making much insulin myself so have nighttime insulin which scared me to BUT the needle on pen is really short and fine finger pricks hurt more. I’m just starting mealtime insulin. I feel better but totally understand how you must be feeling. Sending you strength and let us know how you get on.
Have you decided for yourself that you can't tell her anything or ask her any questions? If not, who/why have 'they' told you this? To me, this idea sounds ridiculous - if patients are not allowed to ask healthcare professionals questions - how the hell are those people expected to learn anything??

Oh and PS - diabetic ketones in the blood are caused by a LACK of insulin in the body - NOT by too much of it!
Hi Everyone,

So I have been put on 100 mg sitagliptin and was told I may get dull headaches for a few weeks. I also need to watch out for pancreatitis as it's a rare but can happen side effect. Hopefully this will help lower my bloods.
Hi Everyone,

So I have been put on 100 mg sitagliptin and was told I may get dull headaches for a few weeks. I also need to watch out for pancreatitis as it's a rare but can happen side effect. Hopefully this will help lower my bloods.
Hopefully it will have a positive effect on blood glucose levels with the additional medication but do be careful as you will need to watch out for low blood glucose as both medications will be inducing your pancreas to produce more insulin.
I hope you have a home blood glucose monitor so you can check your level if you start to feel wobbly until you get used to the new combination of meds if not then ask your GP to prescribe one.
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